We interupt all this design talk for something important

I know that we all....or maybe me more :) rag on our husbands a little WHEN they think we are studying the design of our house like a quarterback learning plays for the Superbowl....just saying.

But today I am only going to say good things.....It is our wedding anniversary.  Normally there is a card and a couple of smooches....but this time we decided we needed a little romance added to it.  Totally out of character   for us we booked a night at the Ritz Carleton at Reynolds Plantation.  Oh yeah baby.....

Located about 75 miles from Atlanta on Lake Oconee.
A view from our room. 

Just to give you a little history.....we eloped.  Yep, to Ringold , Georgia.  Where you can go to the courthouse and get the blood work and paperwork done and then go across the street to get hitched.

Today I am going to share a picture of our lovely wedding....which I do not think anyone has ever seen. I do remember that we took $100.00 from the ATM that day.  It was $20.00 for all the legal documents and another $20.00 for the minister.  Great...$60.00 left for a celebratory lunch right????

Well, we walked across the street and they have to go into the back room to wake up [I really mean wrassle him out of a drunk stupor] the minister.  And here he cum......yep...stumbling out.
My thoughts...Deliverance???

He positioned us on a wall under some painted ivy....I know you want to scroll down to see right now...but seriously savor this moment....

Then....he opened his mouth and I noticed he had no teeth.  Oh boy......

But...he managed to "gum" his way through all the necessary questions...."Sherry.... do you love David"......um dude...that is why we are here today.  I don't know if you have noticed but this here ain't a shotgun wedding.

So here is the proof.....

Yep...and that picture was an extra $10.00.  We are down to $50.00.

We get outside and I am thinking....great let's celebrate.  And this answer is why I love my man so much.  David asked me earlier if he should tip him and I said that it might be a good idea.  I say "let's go back to Atlanta and have a nice lunch".  He said...well...there is no money left.  WHAT?????  I gave him the rest so he could put it towards his "get some teeth fund".   Honey...he is just going to get another couple of bottles of rum...he is way past teeth....

Seriously though...I love my husband dearly.....he is my rock.  He doesn't watch reality shows...but if you need to know how a refrigerator works or any answer to any question...he is your man.

I am so glad he loves me.  Big hair and all as you are about to see.....
I was trying to embrace the curl here.....

Holy crap...even bigger...if that is possible.  It is like it needs it's own state.

Lightened up on the makeup and decided that if I was going to live in Georgia that ponytails were going to have to work for me.
Another curly day :)
Hat's are always good for a little taming....
I think I discovered flat irons thankfully.....
Don't you love a man in a uniform????
I inherited these 2 wonderful people in the deal....I could not be more blessed.

OK...and here is the real reason....even though I am on a boat and SICK as a dog....I had just lowered myself down to pee [cause I was WAY to sick to even walk below] in fact I was too sick to even pull up my pants....he still loves me.

And...look at that hair people!

So here we are 18 years later....still in love.......

I am one lucky gal.....

Happy Anniversary honey...

Sha booyah!


Anonymous said...

OH MY GOSH! you are so funny!!! and thankfully, hubby must have quite the sense of humor and sense of adventure to be married to you and your hair!!! love you, your blog, your hair and your sense of style and humor!!..
best to you and your sweetheart..

Joyce said...

Great photos to look back on, smile and remember all the wonderful good years you two shared. I love the fact that you eloped, sounds so romantic. You and your family are beautiful. Enjoy your time and Happy Anniversary! xo

Lisa Mowry said...

Love this, Sherry...you romantic, you! We are going to have to get our guys together one of these...they're both good ones (and they lucked out with us, too, didn't they.) Happy anniversary!

Tiffany @ Savor Home said...

Again- you have me cracking up! I loved every sentence of that post! And I know my mom would have a heart attack out of shear excitement if I spent less than $100 on my wedding. I'll probably spend tons more, so I will spare her a heart attack. :) Happy Anniversary!!

Brandi said...

Happy Anniversary, Sherry! Wishing you a lifetime of wonderful years together.

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

How sweet and Happy Anniversary. We have stayed there three times. Gorgeous place, but haven't been in a few years now. Those were the days when we had business trips to nice places. Love the hair through the years!

Emily A. Clark said...

I'm not sure if this post was about your husband or your hair, but I loved it all! :) Happy happy anniversary! (Although are you sure it was legal under that ivy thing?) Yikes.

AntiqueChase said...

Happy Anniversary!!

suzy said...

Sherry, Happy Anniversary! Stan and I only made it 18 yrs. but had you and Rick not fixed us up I would not have the two most precious people in my life. Jamison and Alexandra. Thank you and congratulations. Love, Suzy

Acquired Objects said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO YOU BOTH! I'm so laughing I have somewhat of the same problem with hair but we don't have the humidity you have down there. How fun to have eloped, weddings are overrated and we had a small one but our mothers came you figure out the rest. While I was trying to read your post I was also giving my husband the evil eye.....he's feeding the dog garlic and chive cheese but I love him!

The enchanted home said...
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The enchanted home said...

This is such a great post, such a beautiful tribute to the special relationship that you have with your hubby and I can see you are both as beautiful inside as you are outside, you make such a great looking couple to boot! Hysterical, that last picutre!!!!!! And who doesn't have big hair pictures...we all have them, and some God awful pictures of the strangest outfits, oh dear...remember the big huge shoulder pads, I thought I was sooooo fashionable and now I cringe when I see the pictures! This was great, congrats on being blessed with a family you love, wishing you many many more wonderful years of happiness, smiles, laughter and love!

Kelly@Bungalow Blue said...

Wishing you a wonderful anniversary and many more years of happiness together!

My Interior Life said...

Oh, Sherry, that was so sweet and hilarious! What a cute couple you make/made - then and now. Congratulations on a long, happy marriage. Oh, and the wedding part had me howling. My mother-in-law and her family are from Ringgold, GA so I know all about it. Too funny! To many, many more years of wedded bliss!!

An Urban Cottage said...

I think I just wet my pants. If laughter is a major ingredient to a happy marriage, you're good for MANY, MANY more years!

Happy Anniversary!

L.Duncan@Home23DuncanBoys said...

You should seriously do stand up!!! OMG, Sherry you re hilarious, girl! And your hair, i mean your husband is so cute!

Happy Anniversary guys!!!

The Vintique Object said...

If that isn't the sweetest tribute, I don't know what is -- pants down and all! You don't look a day older than the day you were married. Congratulations, Sherry and David.

Erika Machamer said...

This made my day. Thanks for inspiring me with your blog so often. Happy Anniversary!

Marianne said...

Happy Anniversary! Once again, you don't disappoint with your story telling! Wishing you both many more years of happiness.

Mary said...

What sweet pictures. I bet he thinks he's the lucky one.

Dayka Robinson said...

happy anniversary, sherry!! i loved this post & your pictorial walk down memory lane. i hope you guys have a wonderful evening making lots of "special memories" @ lake oconee. take pics if you're able to make it out of the room! :)

ps--i thought about you earlier and was thinking, "i need to send her a text & tell her to get on twitter." reading your updates would crack me up!

under spanish moss said...

Sherry, Just to start off, thank you for making us laugh and recall so many fun memories of fashion and hair! Our hair is very similar to yours and at times could/can be out of control!

Of course we want to wish you a Happy anniversary, on the many years you have enjoyed together and the many more years that are to come! Warmest wishes and a big hug from the both of us!

Renee and Angela

Jade @ Flip Flops + Pearls Design said...

Awww...happy anniversary!! Thanks for sharing your pics! Is your hubby a pilot for United? My mom's fiance is too (on furlough right now though)...small world!

helen tilston said...

Sherry - wishing you continued happiness and a lifetime of joy and laughter. I love how you looked through the ages. Fashions come and go and you are both beautiful.

Cassie Bustamante said...

happy anniversary! thank you for the stroll down memory lane- the boat-sick-peeing-photo and story is my fave! i love your humor and honesty!

Cindy said...

Ok, THAT was awesome... and look at his wonderful chin! He's a total cutie! Ya'll are adorable. Anyone who appreciates your irreverence as much as i do, has to be good. Congratulations on staying together, still loving each other, and still being friends, even if you have driven him pretty much insane with striped walls. He must love you....


traci zeller designs said...

Happy anniversary!!! That is such an awesome story, Sherry. Love it! I passed Reynolds Plantation on my way to south Georgia a while back, and it looked wonderful. I know your hubby loved your post, too.

Custom Comforts said...

That is so sweet and touching. For some reason it makes me want to cry. Happy anniversary ~ you are one very blessed lady!

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

I so enjoyed your walk down Memory Lane! How sweet the two of you are.....and how funny you are!!!

angela | the painted house said...

Aww, I love all the photos! What a gorgeous pair you are. And LOVE the big hair--you rocked it, girl!

René said...

Deliverance, ha! Congratulations to you two lovebirds. That picture of you with your pants down is classic.

Interior Design Musings said...

OK laughing out loud - that picture on the boat is really something!! I get horribly sea sick too! As for you vacay and sweet hubby, enjoy your time together. Happy Anniversary! M.

a perfect gray said...

ok. I cried. I know it was supposed to be funny and light but seeing you guys through the years just got to me. so precious. heck, and we've never even met.

loved that one, sherry.

happy anniversary.


Angela said...

Happy Anniversary and what a lovely post!!

Renae Moore said...

Adorable! I loved every picture and am with you with ALL the different hair 'DO's! Congratulations....you both got winners!

BTW...you haven't changed a bit! Even purdier!


Tiffany @ {Living Savvy} said...

That looks like the perfect romantic escape! Enjoy your time away! Congrats on 18 years... they look very happy and blessed!

Tiffany {Living Savvy}

Debbie said...

Happy Anniversary!! Loving that Big Hair!! I had the same back in the day....hey that was the style right??

BTW-what airline does your hubby work for??

Karen at Home Sweet Hollywood said...

Happy Anniversary to you and your husband! Love the pictures...handsome guy you got there! May you continue to have a blessed life.

Holly Gruszka said...

Enjoy your time away at the gorgeous resort!! Loved your recap.

Jessie said...

I didn't know of any blogger who can deliver such a hilariously awesome anniversary post except you! I was cracking up so much particularly the story about the minister with no gum. Haha..

You are a really lucky lady indeed to be married to a cutie who loved you dearly and to be blessed with two beautiful children. And honestly, I am a little amazed by how you look because you don't aged a bit, only get prettier. So, what's your beauty secret? A sense of humor? :)

Anyway, wishing you a happy anniversary and may you be blessed with happiness and marital bliss for years to come!

By the way, I just host a new giveaway so stop by and enter for a chance to win a piece of fabulous jewelry of your choice!


Simple Dwellings said...

Wow- what a lovely post! Happy Anniversary! Enjoy your wonderful time. :) You look beautiful!

Catie said...

Happy Anniversary! You are too funny. And y'all are one good looking, fun loving couple ! Enjoy your wonderful getaway.

Tricia Rose Rough Linen said...

What a wonderful tale, and I love the wedding which cut away everything that wasn't an elephant (hope you know the story!)

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary! As always, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your post and loved stepping back in time with you! What a darling couple you are ;)
Hope you have a great time!

Carrie @ Hazardous Design said...

Clearly laughter is just as important as love in a good marriage :)

Abby M. Interiors said...

tears down my face in my living room! I can only pray to have such a sweet story as you! Congratulations on such a long marriage. He's lucky to have you!

lisaroy said...

What a great story!! Gotta love a man who will stick by you through big hair and all! Love the pics! Here's to many many great years with a wonderful guy xo

Anonymous said...

Awwwwwwwww! Happy anniversary to you two! I didn't know about the elopement story - hilarious! And girl, your hair. OMG. It's almost as big as mine was in the 80's! xo

Lori @ Lori May Interiors said...

What a wonderful story, big hair and all! Happy anniversary and have a great time!


Angie said...

Awwww.... What a sweet post! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Love the pictures but love your straight hair even more!

Naomi@DesignManifest said...

Happy Anniversary! I loved the hair commentary. I've never peed off a boat before... sounds difficult :)

Susie @ Maddie's Nest said...

Happy Anniversary! Such a beautiful post!

Tessa said...

Happy Anniversary! What a great love story! I sooo enjoyed this post. From the big hair to the drunk minister. Thanks for sharing this with us! Cheers to many more happy years together! xo, Tessa

Lou Cinda @ Tattered Hydrangeas said...

This is SO sweet! Who knew you could be so sweet? lol Behind every great man there is an even GREATER woman....I think he is pretty darn luck himself :)

Love the sick, pants down shot...I can relate...I get SOOOOO motion sick...not fun!

Happy Late Anniversary!!

Hope it was Wonderful!

Lou Cinda

Kristen said...

you are too cute... loved this post!!! pretty lady! :)

for the love of a house said...

soooo cute!! love the big hair and all the stories!
Happy, happy belated anniversary to you both! Wishing you many more years of love, happiness and laughter!


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