OK you guys.....this was stressful for me.  I guess I am the type of person who wants everyone to leave the party with a gift.  

But....since I don't have a 100,000  I am going to have to go with just one person.

Will Jacque Lloyd please step up to the podium [email me] and collect her 250.00 gift certificate!

You guys fought the hard fight and I was BLOWN away by all the comments.  Everybody loves them some Homegoods.

Before I left for the beach I was over at ADAC in the Lee Jofa showroom looking at wallpaper.  I grabbed a few samples and thought I would share some of my favorites with you.

Cole and Son
It started with this....I have seen the colored versions but of course  this neutral one is  better for me.

Cole and Son/great vine
This one caught my eye also.

Cole and Son/palace maze
These are great as you could still hang art work on them....

Cole and Son/queens key


I love this one but dang it is like a gazillion dollars.

Cole and Son/cow parsley

Cole and Son/woods
I love this color way of Woods....I have the neutral color way in my home.

Here is a bathroom I did years ago using the Woods paper.

Goundworks/Kelly Wearstler

I am loving this paper...we are all familiar with this fabric right?

Groundworks/Kelly Wearstler

Groundworks/Kelly Wearstller

These are pretty cool also.

Groundworks/Kelly Wearstler


I am not a print girl....but I love this fabric and I think the paper could be pretty damn swell in the right room!

Alrighty then....I know the other 364 of you are sad.....but I have a couple of 100.00 gift cards for another giveaway.

Back to cleaning:(



Kathysue said...

Congratulations to the lucky winner!!
I am so glad to see people interested in wallpaper again. Love the subtle colors in some of the patterns you like. I know if you do wallpaper it will be the perfect one in the perfect spot in your home.
I love wallpaper and have always had it in my home. Looking to change out my entry hall and bathroom so I have a couple on my radar. I am a Thibault lover, they are the best company to work with, or they use to be when I was working. happy Friday!!!

Karen at Home Sweet Hollywood said...

lol at your hashtag :)

Congrats to the lucky winner...great way to start a weekend!

I swore back in the 90s I'd never wallpaper again. I'm still not ready to embrace it, but it's very pretty.

Have a great non-cleaning weekend!

Vel Criste said...

Lucky gal! Love the 3rd wall paper the most but the first is pretty beguiling too!

Vel Criste said...

Lucky gal! Love the 3rd wall paper the most but the first is pretty beguiling too!

Unknown said...

Congrats to the happy winner, and what fabulous wall papers! Youre so sweet to want to give us all a gift card. I'll just wait to win your next giveaway! Have a great weekend. xo Nancy

Holly Gruszka said...

I'd love to try wallpaper in one of our bathrooms. We'll see.

Naz said...

Congrats to the winner and I'm so jealous.

I'm done with all wallpaper after helping my daughter take down the wallpaper when she bought her house. Do I like your choices though.

Dana Frieling said...

Cleaning would be more fun if you had one of those pretty wallpapers to stare at! After ripping down our previous owner's bad choices, I just can't bring myself to do it to the next person who moves in here. Guess I'm stuck with boring paint!

stephanie at Stephanie Kraus Designs said...

I love the moody cloudy wallpaper would love to use that in a room. would be so cool. have a great weekend!

Kelly said...

Congrats to the lucky winner! I like the muted patterns of wallpaper too. Don't care for busy patterns. But, overall I still prefer paint over wallpaper. I still have painful memories of trying to get it off the walls after I was tired of it. I swore I'd never have it again! LOL.

Linda @ DesignInMyView said...

Your bathroom design is a perfect use of that woods wallpaper, the dimensions of the room vanish.

I have wall flat foyer closet doors with just base trim attached. This would be a perfect use for the right paper so the doors would disappear into the wall.

Please do more wallpaper posts so I can choose from your selections!

Beth C. said...

Love all these wallpapers. I had big plans to use wallpaper in several areas of our newly constructed home only to realize the builder used a very subtle texture on the walls! I am chagrined, to say the least. I simply don't have the heart to go through the sanding and mess it would take to get them prepped for wallpaper. A pox on the builder! Of course it doesn't stop me from pinning gorgeous wallpapers to my Pinterest board. Hey, a girl can dream! Best, Beth C.

Barbara Moore said...

Just can't do wallpaper. Just can't. Too many memories (nightmares?) of scraping tiny bits of paper off a glue soaked wall. I simply change my mind too often. Although every paper you chose is beautiful, I'll have to be satisfied with other ways to feed the decorating beast.

Suzy said...

Beautiful, beautiful examples of wallpaper! Congrats to Jacque and thank you for hosting the giveaway.

The enchanted home said...

Loving the papers...I am a fan of it in the right place. Enjoy your weekend!

My Interior Life said...

Well, darn. Sad I didn't win but good for Jacque. Love all these wallpapers. The cow parsley has long been a favorite of mine. And that mural one is amazing!! Oh, and the Nympheus has been a favorite fabric of mine (and apparently it's Thomas O'Brien's fave too), so no surprise I love the paper.

Happy Weekend, Sherry!

Charlotte said...

I love the bathroom wallpaper....but I am kinda burned out on wallpaper. Bought a house with every room covered in horrible paper. At one point I did think about burning the house rather than stripping all the paper off the walls....haha

cindy hattersley design said...

Sherry I am using that Cole & Sons Greek Key right now for a client. I think it has a safer edge than many papers. I am headed to the city on Tues to look for more...you saved me some leg work! Love that swan paper. My all time fav is the noblis faux bois..totally looks like real wood!

Alysa said...

Wall paper has come a long way, and you highlighted the best Sherri!

Debbie said...

Lucky winner. I bet she's on her way to Home Goods now. Love love the wallpaper. Debbie C.

Judy said...

I am just glad that we are finally getting a Home Goods in town! Open open open.

I never thought that wallpaper was attractive at all, bad associations. My grade school friend's mother's flocked velvet, burgundy and gold bordello look in the front hall, or faddish sixties op art in hot pink, or bad eighties hunting themed paper with duck border around the top. Yikes!

In the last couple of years I have become more aware, reading more about interior design and have been seeing some lovely, beautifully made examples, though. I tend to fall hard for the ones that look like engravings, like the cloud paper you showed, or the trees. Like living inside a beautiful old book.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Okay this is crazy - I've been pulling wallpapers the past week and half of them are in this post!!! Even that Cow Parsley which is so old what are the odds? :D

*** said...

Love neutral colors and the woods wallpaper caught my eye. Congrats to Jacque Lloyd and thank you Sherry for hosting the giveaway.

*** said...

Love neutral colors and the woods wallpaper caught my eye. Congrats to Jacque Lloyd and thank you Sherry for hosting the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Love the wallpaper! The area where I live now does not "look right" with wallpaper (in middle of true desert,not "citified" :) )....but I always enjoy looking at patterns like "woods"!

Unknown said...

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Totally made my day!!! Trying to figure out if I should spend it all on throw pillows...a woman can never have too many, right? All joking aside, I am so grateful, and over-the-moon excited!

designchic said...

Palace Maze love over here - dying for it in my powder room. You made me laugh with your comment on topiaries - I can NEVER keep them alive, but so love them!!

Taylor Greenwalt said...

Congrats to the winner...so lucky! I'm loving the fact wallpaper is back....

Julia@Cuckoo4Design said...

Love them all. The flamingos are super cool too.

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