This time last year I had just finished participating in the St Phillips Cathedral Showhouse with Lori May.

It was my first time executing something like this and we sure found out how much work it takes.  

This year they did not do a show house but had designers decorate small spaces in the church [about 12 x 12 ].  

I think they lost my number......:)

No worries.

Back to the reason for all of this....

Just recently Atlanta Homes and Lifestyles did their spread on last years rooms.

Here are a few of the images from the article.

This is from my friend Ally [From The Right Bank].  Bless her heart....she had to spend most of her time outside but she was a trooper!  Looks like the middle of spring not January right?

This is from Lance and David [Parker Kennedy]  They rocked this "palm beach" style and I fell hard for this space.

This kick ass room is from Jennifer and Richard [Reiner White Studio].  So much inspiration.

Upstairs Bryan Kirkland [BAK Designs] blasted us with some great modern color!  It was stunning.

My girl Dayka [Dayka Robinson Designs] took us outside the box with this entry!

And then we come to Bill and William [Bill Ingram Architects] who put me in a trance with their space.  They were in the basement with us and we had so much fun that at times it was hard to pull it together when viewers were coming down the stairs.

And that's it.  

WHAT you say...where are your pictures???

Now I don't want to sound like "bitter party for one"......but Lori and I did not make the cut.


Guess they didn't get my check.

So today I am posting the images that Christina Wedge took for us a year ago.  

She did a great job cause this room had everything going against it like only one small window.

We added the wood on the low ceiling and stained it Classic Gray.

A good thing is the great texture with that stone wall...... it helped give our space some interest.

We tried to disguise that door by painting it the same color of the walls and even added a picture on it.  We are nothing if not clever.

As you have seen.... those pillows are now residing at my house and I have to say I am not tired of them. flash.   Call CNN.

So there you have it.  I created my own 5 minutes of fame.  You can do that when you have a blog.

If you want to see an image of the room before go here.

As you know we had the big ice/snow storm on Wednesday and here we are on Friday with 90% of it gone.  That is the beauty of the south.  

30 degrees one day and 60 the next.

Have a fabu weekend.

Shapouting.....just a little.


Kris @ Driven by Décor said...

You know I love your room the best, right?! So beautiful!!!

StagerLinda said...

Throw yourself a big ole pity party! You worked magic in that room. Eat some chocolate, drink some wine, do some online shopping, and take a bubble bath.

René said...

Obviously they are saving your room for the cover next month ;).

Lori @ Lori May Interiors said...

Sherry, you are too funny. I still love that room and more than anything I loved working with you. I wouldn't change a thing!

Take care friend,

Carolyn@Sweet Chaos Home said...

I'm sure it's because you are already a superstar, and they needed to give someone else a little publicity :) Your room is fabulous!!

Elizabeth @ The Little Black Door said...

You were robbed I tell ya. I think y'all did a superb job. Drinks for you!

debra @ 5th and state said...

whaaaa is right, for us. your transformations are always a home run!

The Pink Pagoda said...

All of these rooms are amazing and what you did in yours was incredible. Can you please come style my entire house?

mrs. c said...

I have so much fun reading your blog! Your personality shines through, it's like I'm sitting on my porch drinking a cup of coffee or glass of wine, chatting. Thanks so much for sharing such great inspirational ideas. I too have been stranded on Lookout Mountain, but I'm a teacher so no school. Been sewing, making pillows for my booth at the Knitting Mill Antique Mall, if you up Chattanooga way, visit this great place!

Simply LKJ said...

Love your room! And that entry? I pitty the person who has had one to many cocktails and tries to navigate that thing! Oh MY!!

An Urban Cottage said...

I'm sure they're saving your room for the centerfold next month. Love that Schumacher Pyne Hollyhock.

Nancy said...

You were robbed! The room y'all did was fantabulous! Magazine or no, we all love you and your designs regardless! Happy Valentines Day!

Judy said...

Well go figure. Maybe it was just because you were assigned a small awkward basement room, so it was basically a non-starter for a magazine photo.

For me personally, yours was the only room I liked. There are honestly some highly colorful rooms that I do love, but, usually, the overly-colorful just looks garish to me.

Great job with a very difficult layout I would have liked to see what you could do with one of the major rooms and a little bit of a budget.

Judy Brown

Bethany [at] Powell Brower Home said...

i cant believe they just left you out. im calling and raising a fuss. i dont know if i mentioned this last year when you gave some sneaky peakys but i LOVE the color you used on the wall. do you remember what it is? looks so good with the ceiling but even BETTER with those amazingass burlwood frames. smart gals, you two. great job!

Ashley @ The Houston House said...

I toured the house last year and loved your space so much girl!!!!! People be crazy. Xoxo

Jalon Burton said...

I love Atlanta Homes and these images are absolutely breathtaking - thank you for sharing... Happy Valentine’s Day – I hope you have a wonderful love filled weekend!

Anonymous said...

Bless YOUR heart. Thanks for the shout out, Ms. Bitter. Isn't it crazy that that was already a year ago??? So glad you took these pics because your space was stunning. xo

Unknown said...

At least your room was livable and lovable. Some of those published spaces, the only thing I was inspired to do is throw up. Really that entrance, yuck.

Mary Ann Pickett said...

Your room feels like a warm and fresh cocoon. Love all the textures. Great job.

Pat@Back Porch Musings said...

Thanks so much for this post, Sherry. Just what the doctor ordered this morning. I love all the wonderful ideas and yours of course, I love best!

Our snow is still on the ground from two weeks ago, but we have had some melting. Missouri has proven once again, The Man upstairs is in charge. No complaints though...this will pass then we will be watching the skies come Spring. It does get interesting around here in all four seasons.;_)

Did y'all have an earthquake? Oh my!

Unknown said...

Fun and inspiring post. Your ceiling remedy of wood laminate is killer! Loved the entire room but that ceiling was brilliant! Such talent!
Judy G.

Karen at Home Sweet Hollywood said...

Their loss because your room is far and away the best. And I'm not just saying that. The other rooms are WAY too over done in every way for my taste. Seriously, the front porch and your room I'd take in a heartbeat. The others, not even for free. Just my humble opinion.

Glad your weather is no longer sucking :)

Kathysue said...

Personally I love your room the best! Fun post as always! Happy Saturday my friend,
xoxo Kathysue

cindy hattersley design said...

Sherry...if you get lemons make lemondade...and you did...showhouses...well enough said!!

Erika at Blulabel Bungalow said...

I'm "shapouting" right along with you. I'm glad you and Lori had the foresight to have Christina shoot it or else that gorgeous room would have only been a distant memor

stephanie at Stephanie Kraus Designs said...

not fair. loved your mom so tasteful and beautiful!!

Angele said...

Sherry, I love reading your blog and thought the room was fabulous!!! Spread some give-away love to a canadian follower!

Unknown said...


The pictures are beautiful!!! I'll be pinning away.


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