Christmas with color...part 2

Have I told you guys lately how much I appreciate that during this very busy time of the year, you still made time to say such nice things about this project?  Well...thanks!

On to the rest of the house.  Now of course my sister and I both tore up our house to help pull this job together.  Since Nancy is her best friend and they just moved in [6 weeks ago]we wanted it to look pretty special for her party.  

This is a small bath on the main floor.  I love the map wallpaper.  He likes an" Earnest Hemingway" look and this really fit the bill.
Thanks goodness they have lots of books.  I love using them in my accessorizing because they add so much richness and warmth to a room.
This is such a classic bathroom with the black and white floor.
My sister made these....cute huh?
Remember these that I bought at Scotts?  I used two for me and I put two here.  
Got four of these bird prints at a consignment shop.  We used 2 in this powder bath off the kitchen.

A silver tray with hand towels and a small vase of rosemary.

OK...found this at Ballards backroom for 80.00.  I don't like the finish so I am going to have it painted to look like this....
I saw this at the Christmas show house.  This is so makes me sick.
On a tray in the foyer.
 When we started this is how the little reading room located off the foyer looked.  After some hunting around the house, and a trip to my attic....relocating a chair.....

Warmed it up a bit with the rug.
And last...just a tray of goodies on the DR table.  We brought a chest and mirror in from a guest bedroom to try and stage the DR a little.
It instantly warmed up the space.  I am a big believer in "shopping" your house.  Especially for a party.  Layer...throw in lots of books......throws and pillows.  It's like putting lipstick on a pig :)  

Tonight I am going to dinner with Julie from Milk and Honey Home and other Atlanta bloggers.  Hope the weather holds up!!  These southerners freak if there is ONE flake.  Shut down the mall.  Are you kidding me?????? Ridiculous.


Lou Cinda @ Tattered Hydrangeas said...

Love it all! You DEFINITELY pulled it all together...the party will be a smash and everyone will want to hire you! Perfect!

Lou Cinda

Lisa Mowry said...

I'm loving that trefoil (sp?) mirror...especially the glossy black. New plan for my foyer mirror dilemma...thank you, missy.
Sorry I won't be with you tonight!
p.s. Nancy's house looks wonderful.

Unknown said...

Everything looks so so pretty- a job very well done lady!!! And have a fabulous time tonight- oh how I would have loved to have been there with you all:) xo

Jen ( said...

Very nice! I wish I had the skill for my house. :)

Caroline @ The Feminist Housewife said...

It all look so pretty!

Unknown said...

Sherry, I love the glass lamp! what a great piece =) I've been looking for a similar lamp but don't want to spend 70-125 for it ;)
Now, if I only had your talent for staging I would be in heaven.

Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

Sherry, What a great job you did on getting this home ready for Christmas. It is beautiful!

Capella Kincheloe Interior Design said...

The twig mason jars are so cute!

René said...

The party is going to be fabulous I just know it! That mirror makes me sick too:)


Julie Holloway said...

Love the E. Hemingway look, too (and books) Was that Phoebe Howard's room with the stripes? Look at you sneaking pictures\

You're the best....Julie

maggie said...
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maggie said...

Sherry! you took some awesome pictures!! it all looks so beautiful! good job!

Anonymous said...

You two did such a great job with this house! And oh, I see that fern paper peeking out from the back! Can I tell you how much I'm in love with it? I thought I wanted the ivory and black but I am all over the gray you gave me. (It's now my pick for the powder room.) Thanks again for that - you're the best.

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