Scott's in January

Snow day in Atlanta!!!  Yep.  Which enabled me to get caught up with paperwork and blogs! Love me a good unplanned holiday :)

As Scott's is always the second weekend of the month....when Sat is on the 1st it throws me a little that it is scheduled 7 days later.  But...I got an email from Lou Cinda [Tattered Hydrangeas] saying that she and a few friends would be coming up from Gadsden, Alabama [2.5 hour drive] for Scott's and that alerted me!!!!  We met for lunch and a little shopping.  It was so much fun to meet her!  She is dang funny and so were her friends.

On to what is really important!  Although I have to say to all of the people who commented about my $10.00 budget...about how that was impossible. guys were right.  What was I thinking setting the bar like that.  I did spend $10 plus $90 more.  It's like crack people...what can I say.

As usual I will start with pillows.  I love them and could buy new ones every month.
These would go great with Honeysuckle the color of the year!
Wish these were my colors...I love this print!
This one is my colors but how many pillows can a girl have...don't answer that!
This just happens to be one of my favorite Osborne and Little prints...I love it!

I saw these pillows and they are stunning.  The designer Juliana King is from Columbia.  The are collectors items for sure.
So pretty
I wanted one but it was over my $10.00 budget for the month :)
A whole lot of gorgeousness.....
 And my favorite was this next one....
This is the one I wanted to steal when she wasn't looking.....

Saw these right out of the car up front.  That is when I knew it might be a good month and I could be in trouble....  Modern Root Designs
Napkins.  It kind of looked like a raw linen.
Loved the dark ones.
Kitchen towels and place mats.  Cute.

Here is one thing you will always see at Scott's.  Old doors...all different styles and all different prices.

even more awesome

Whoa nellie.....I'm in love....

Ok...I can hardly look at these.  I am SO afraid of spiders.  Seriously I can't even get near enough to kill one. cool is this from Design Industry Workroom
And this...they are located in Tuscaloosa
Kind of reminded me of the ottoman I used in the nursery
Need prints???  The ones on this table are $10.00.....
Be still my heart....antique mirror table......

Who does not need a basket lamp????

Opps....I am such a bad photographer....I cut off their heads.  Ha Ha not really.  This is Julie from Milk and Honey Home and her sister.  No head shots please.....cute hippy girls :)

Nothing like a good smocked burlap curtain to put a smile on your face.

OMG...8 them in my trunk.  Oh that's right over my $10.00 budget.  I am still sick thinking about these.  How many DR chairs can a girl have??????
Need a problem...there's an app for that :)

Note to self...find gourds...paint white????

Yep...just when you were thinking "wow, they have everything there but stuffed mountain lions" you round the corner to this thing  coming at you....and shipping available just so you know.

Ok lets talk about what I did get.  These to frame.

And these....because I need more blue books...

And from this table

I got these 3 pieces...
Not a penny over $100.00.  If I had stuck to the "pretend" budget then it would have sucked.  Good thing I knew it wasn't real....

Oh yea...and I got to have lunch with Lou Cinda..... :)
Oh my God....that mauve ruffle scarf....what was I thinking.  That is going in the trash.  There is a reason that color has never come back.  My face is as large as a boulder.  Does anyone ever like their own picture?


Marianne said...

I'm dying to go there! So many great things. I especially like what you purchased. Great finds, Sherry!

Kim@Chattafabulous said...

Those dining room chairs!!! Did you know Dayka posted some photos of too? I and $100 is just like $10 at Scotts!

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

I can't stand pictures of me. You look great. I could sure use some of those prints and I love pillows. Have plenty, but always look at more. I am going to go there this year one way or another. Love the pieces you bought.

Elsie said...

Okay, best post ever. That mountain lion!!!
And by the way, I couldn't stop thinking about your outfit--gingham, pearls, silk ruffles & military coat & your steve maddens=awesomeness. No, not a boulder.

My Interior Life said...

You're ridiculous - I thought your photo was adorable. Just thinking how I loved that scarf, then you dissed it. Don't throw it in the trash, I'll take it.

Seriously love all your finds (duh), especially the lucite chair because of my chair obsession. I really need to come down there next month. Maybe I can make it happen. Might have to miss one of my daughter's basketball games, but I seriously don't think she'll care. And that photo of Julie and her sister cracks me up. Instead of a head shot it's a boob shot.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sherry...fabulous collection of the first ones especially, could do without the spiders you to my blogroll...makes it easier to find you!!!

Abby M. Interiors said...

Your head looks NOTHING like a boulder! Instead, very pretty. Remember, I thought you were 30!?

You always find the best goods. Love the blue books and the prints to be framed!

Sidenote: Your comment today took me back--unexpectedly kind. Thank you.

Megan said...

Hi Sherry, thank you so much for your sweet comments on my blog. I too am so excited about finding yours and reading along. I love all the treasures you scouted at Scotts- and really, who doesn't need a basket lamp?!

Anonymous said...

You are sooo funny! It was so nice running into you at Scott's for a quick second! Looks like you had a blast!! Yay for snow days!!!!

suzy said...

Sherry! Why didn't you come home with the pillow that has your initials on it??????? The universe meant for you to have it!

René said...

Oh my word, I would be in big trouble there. How do you stand it? Love those linens from Modern Studio. And hey, I know Lucinda from blogging. Cute to see ya'll together.


Bravehearted Beauty {formerly LLH Designs} said...

How did you make it home without a pair of pillows?!? Wish I could reach into the screen and grab that last pair!

Enjoy the snow!

Gretchen O. said...

THere is so much goodness in this post I can't STAND it! I love the letters you got, and the silver. PS: I don't think you can have too many pillows OR chairs!

L.Duncan@Home23DuncanBoys said...

OMG, I have to get back to Scott's! and that ruffled scarf is cute! Come throw it in my trash;-)

Heidi @ Decor & More said...

Sherry, what a delight!! I adore Scott's but missed out this year. Boo. Your purchases were spot on. Can't wait to see what you do with them!
Happy Snow Day #2 (I'm in Marietta). :)

Lou Cinda @ Tattered Hydrangeas said...

Okay, I totally didn't see any of the stuff you saw! How is that possible?? Maybe because we were in sensory overload and looked like deer caught in headlights all day! Also, I seriously need to work on my "haggle" skills! LOL Love the french script linen thingys! Can't wait to see them framed....

A boulder?? Are you on crack? You are GORGEOUS! In every way! Now me? What is up with my hair?? Got it cut the day before, too short! Growing.......

Enjoy your snow day...we got another one today! I have got to get my post done, but yesterday was spent sledding and riding through the snow bound neighborhood on a golf cart! I WAS COLD!

Lou Cinda

Dwellings by DeVore said...

These posts always get me thinking of projects I would love to do! Thanks for the inspiration! LOVE that table with the fish and those rope wrapped cords on those basket lights have got me thinking....

Anonymous said...

LOL about the mountain lion. My neighbor and I go to Scott's frequently and always wonder who buys all that taxidermy??? Snow's getting a little old even for my 7 & 8 year old boys -- I'm in Decatur and wondering if my kids will ever go back to school. People up north must be laughing their behinds off at us.

Rashon Carraway said...

Scotts must be rocking, because a fellow Atlanta blogger just posted about Scotts a few days ago. I certainly must get down to Atlanta. Im a follower now. Thanks so much for your warm words when you visit my little space in blog land.

Mr. Goodwill Hunting

Anonymous said...

Hi Sherry....
since I've recently discovered your blog...I have a awarded you the stylish blogger award...

so, to all my lovely award recipient blogger friends here are the rules....
After receiving this award you have to pay it forward and follow the rules:
#1) Thank & link back to the person who awarded you.
#2) Share 7 things about yourself.
#3) Award 10 great bloggers that you have RECENTLY discovered
#4) Contact those bloggers and tell them about the award

for more info, check my blog post....
have a great day..

The Life of the Chous said...

I love your Scott's posts! I was there last Thursday and didn't see nearly everything you posted about! You need to lead a Scott's tour the way Eddie Ross leads tours through Flea Markets! How fun would that be??!

Anonymous said...

So bummed I missed it. I'm starting to think I'll never see Scott's... I LOVE that you bought chemistry treatises!!! :)

Kathy said...

I like your scarf.
Your head is not big.
You do NOT look your age at all. You do NOT need a face lift, tuck or pull of any kind. ( From previous blog ) You look fabulous.
I'd estimate that I've been to Scotts about 100 times over the past 10 or 12 years and I dont live in Atlanta or own a business. I rarely go anymore. I've been so many times that I can tell you generally where every vendor is in the both buildings and I use to recognize all the regular shoppers. Is that weird?
LOVED this blog!!! Felt like I was visiting home :o)

Robin Baron @ Simplifying Fabulous! said...

Oooh That 2nd pillow is my favorite!

l.alden said...

Wow the linens at Modern Root Designs are beautiful! What a great find and thanks for sharing the link.

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