
Today my home is being featured over at 6th Street Design School.  And.... if I could figure it out, I would have her header here instead of this crappy little link.  I am so honored that Kirsten chose to feature it in her Friday Feature.  Since most of you who read my blog have already seen my home, [I know...yawn] please check out her wonderful blog!  It is beautiful.

And a couple of days ago Christi featured Baby Gassers nursery on her blog Charm Home.  Christi is a designer here in Atlanta and her work is awesome!!!  You need to go over there...for real.

Most people are still snowed in here in Atlanta.  For real...no school or mail for a week.  I managed to get to the Americas Mart yesterday [thanks to Marta] and took lots of wonderful pictures.  Hopefully I can get them downloaded this weekend and prepare a proper blog post :)

Take care and stay warm [unless you live in a wonderful resort area!]
Oh yeah...by the way...thanks for all of the sweet comments about the facelift thingy.  I am sure there is something in between the "hag" and Joan Van Ark.......But for now I will just be grateful I have a face :)


Dwellings by DeVore said...

I saw that on there earlier today! That's awesome!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sherry,
what fun...will go check it out...
have a great wintery day..

Unknown said...

How fun- off to have a look;)

A Perfect Gray said...

looks wonderful, babe. two things: I have several antique bamboo mirrors exactly like the one in your bath; I d-i-e over that bench in your bedroom covered in hide!


Naomi @ Design Manifest said...

I love it! As I am new to your blog, I hadn't seen these.

Big question... your fireplace in your living room... was that existing, or did you put that in.

I ask, because I am looking for a very similar style. Really hope you may have a source for me :)



La Dolfina said...

Hi... I just found your blog via A Perfect Gray!
I'm looking forward to getting to know you as I'm your newest follower!!!
Have a great weekend,
Be back soon.


traci zeller designs said...

Stopped by from Kirsten, and so happy to have found your blog. Your house is beyond lovely!! "Snowpocalypse" was terrible in Charlotte as well, so I hope you have defrosted by now!

Kim@Chattafabulous said...

Dang - you're everywhere these days! I just got out of the house for a bit this morning. Felt so free!!! Have a great weekend with your awesome face!

Megan said...

I love your house!!! Can I move in :) Thanks for sharing!

Danielle Oakey Interiors said...

i am in love with your house! it is stunning!

René said...

That was a great feature Sherry! Everybody loves you :)


Lou Cinda @ Tattered Hydrangeas said...

You never cease to amaze me! I am on my way over to check it out!

Lou Cinda

charm home said...

I absolutely love your guest bedroom!!!

Anonymous said...

I never get tired of seeing your house. And that nursery is the best nursery ever. I mean ever.

Brittney said...

Hi Sherry. I saw your feature on 6th street and I love the floral pillows on your white couch. I would love to know the name of the fabric if you have a minute. Love your blog!


That is a fabric line called Romo. I think you can google it to find out where it is sold in your area.

Barbara Matson said...

Glad you stopped by my blog to comment and follow because now I have put 2 and 2 together, you are the wonderful designer behind that amazing nursery I saw at Emily Clarke's blog! Couldn't help myself but hit your follower button. I have read through few of your older posts, LOVE the aerobic wear and your tres chic hippy blouse! Love your humour and outlook on life AND share the same passion for design!

Mona Thompson said...

I've got to go check these out and will come back later to see your photos. Happy Sunday!

Mona Thompson said...

OK, Sherry, Just went over and took a peek at that nursery. wow! Great job. It is adorable. so creative. I just love your out of the box thinking. Mona

Katie @ Noodle and Boof said...

Saw your house on 6th street....love your master bedroom!

Tricia said...

Howdy Sherry- thanks so much for your feedback on my table this morning! Your home is fabulous and I love your blog. Great style.

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