I'm feeling cranky

The first week of January and every body is going on and on about organization.  Why are we in such a dang hurry.  Can't we ease into this like say maybe February????  I mean I just took all the decorations down, which by the way was quite a chore being compared to washing your car with a toothbrush.  I got home from the beach with a cold.....snot slinging everywhere......illness.  So yesterday was unpack....rest....take a few decorations down...rest....load of laundry....rest.....read a blog or 2....start over.  I was at it for pretty much the whole day.  The only excitement was when I spotted an extra mercury glass bowl that I had forgotten to pack away with the Christmas Decor.

Started looking for a place to stash it thinking that I did not need to make the trip all the way to the attic and dropped it.  So there. One less problem to figure out.

Then I looked around and my house looked like this-
No greenery...no silver balls....no cute little wrapped Christmas boxes.  Empty.  Mantel looked like a just a piece of lumber from a home improvement store.......dining room table looked like an ice skating rink in the summer.....  So now what....start over?  Re-accessorize.  Take pictures.  Post pictures on blog with descriptions like "look what I did in my spare 5 minutes the other day"?   Be all smug and proud.

Nah.  Just not in the mood yet.  Still feeling depressed that the holidays are over.  And cause I broke my Target sunglasses.  I know what your thinking.  Big whoop.  But listen....I have had those darn things for like 3 years.  I TRIED to lose them and people kept returning them.  I was careless with them, they were dropped about a gazillion times and had gashes on the lenses.  Nope they kept re-appearing like the  poop in my back yard from my dogs...everyday I pick it up and every day there is more.  

But just let me own a pair of Channel or Prada and I am good for about a week.  Gone.  Poof.  Like a disappearing act in the circus. 

Ok...enough of how my thoughts flip flop all over the place like a fish on the end of the dock.  Getting ready for Scott's this weekend.  Will have lots of pictures.  Hopefully I won't go over my budget of $10.00.   

I do have a new pillow.  2 of them actually.
And I have this picture of me in 1973 when I lived in Puerto Rico.  Wish I still had that cool shirt.  They probably sell one in Anthropologie now for $250.00.  I was pretty much a hippie back then.  Don't even remember who these people are?????

Thanks for all of the great comments on the nursery and my bedroom.  I remember when I would get 3 comments and email them back with gushing words like "you  rock".  It is getting a little harder to do that now.  I think we should just have a rule where no one has to email anyone back but then there is always that one person who has nanny's to take care of their children, maids to clean and cook [think Camille Gammer from RHOBH] and they have all the time in the world to email 50 people a day to make the rest of us seem like stuck up bitches.
I want each and everyone of you to know that while I do feel special when my husband says "i love you honey" nothing compares to the feeling I get when a complete stranger writes "pretty room".

You guys really do rock!!!


Interior Design Musings said...

Laughing out loud at this post! PS: I'm feeling the love, so don't write me back, either. PS: if you can get through a trip to Scott's with $10 you are a stronger woman them me. M.

Anonymous said...

You are too funny. There is no mourning the Christmas decorations here. I love your pillow & that picture.

Anonymous said...

what is the name of the fabric you used on the back row of pillows on your bed?

suzy said...

Hey Sherry,It does look like low tide when all of the Christmas stuff is gone. Luckily that passes by the time Homegoods has restocked. Where did the Ikat pillows come from?

rebecca @ older and wisor said...

I once turned off my comments because I didn't have time to respond to people and that gave me guilt. GUILT I tell you. ABOUT PEOPLE I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW. Then somebody sent me an email saying how smug I must be to write stuff and not even care what anybody has to say about it.

True dat.

(although I caved and turned them back on. My b*@chiness only lasts about 24 hours.)

(despite what my husband claims)

Caroline @ The Feminist Housewife said...

The pillows are so cute. And Oh my goodness, what an awesome photo!! You seriously could sell it. I would buy it!

I can relate to the emptiness that the lack of Christmas decor brings. I am still arguing with myself over what to do with the post-Christmas mantel. It's too early for Spring decor, but I don't really want to do a "wintery" theme now that all the Christmas stuff is gone...So it sits emptyish.

Hope you feel better soon!

A Perfect Gray said...

sweet baby, I loved this post. while I am really, really happy for everyone who has wonderful things going on in the world of blogging, and for everyone who is brave enough to Get Organized in January, I am in the same place you are. My decorations are all still strown about the livingroom and I don't want to put them up or everything will look so bare. Thanks for echoing my feelings exactly! Love ya, Sherry! (If you really keep to a $10 budget at Scotts, you're my hero.) Post pics, please, for those of us who are at home with bare houses!

My Interior Life said...

You crack me up. The only reason I ended up cleaning up/putting up/organizing anything is because my somewhat type A husband was home the week after Christmas with nothing to do. Thus, the purging! If I don't get on board, I feel like the laziest person alive.

And, I hate to say this, but I don't often email people from their comments because they show up as no-reply in the address line of the comment. And I'm just too lazy to go find their email address on their profile. You're the only person I know whoever sends me a reply. So, you rock!

Deserae said...

I'm with you....sick of hearing about how organized everyone is and seeing all the lists of what everyone accomplished around there home last year. Our projects for 2010 are still incomplete so yeah I'm a little cranky about it! LOL...Love your new pillow...you always find the best stuff :o) Good luck at Scotts you lucky girl!!!! Feel better soon :o)

Cindy said...

omg... i had a pair of sunglasses like that, and they just broke. i had them like 3 years, and i think they cost around $3.00. i totally know how you feel, because they kept coming back to me too... they were my best sunglasses ever.... and look how pretty you are in that photo, i was a hippy too... that was a cool time, and we had really good music didn't we!


René said...

Gosh I don't even know what to say other amen sister! Love the photo!!! Don't email me back either.


Anonymous said...

"Like poop in my backyard..." LOL! Hey, I may have gotten organized but I haven't touched my Christmas decorations yet. There are pine needles and glitter everywhere. So can we call it even? ;)

quintessence said...

You made my morning - laughing out loud - and can relate to absolutely every single thought in this post - from the rush to take down the decorations to losing expensive sunglasses (with me it's expensive reading glasses and gloves) to the feeling obliged to leave comment responses (along with the thrill that comes with them). Have to add a quick anecdote to the 1973 photo. When we were at my daughter's boarding school (that my husband also attended) and they had an admissions meeting discussing why there weren't more children of '70s alumni applying, the director announced that it because none of those people even remember attending - needless to say, got a roaring response.

Courtney said...

hahahaha, I love this. Oh, and pretty room. HAHA!

Heidi @ Decor & More said...

Finally! A gal after my own heart! Thanks for the chuckle, Sherry. :) And just to make you feel like an uber-achiever, I haven't taken down Christmas decoration one. Not one. Not motivated, and I know I'll have to rearrange, reaccessorize and probably redecorate a bit when I do and I'm... not in the mood. :) Feel better!

Naomi@DesignManifest said...

Love that photo! What fantastic hair...

Lissa Pierce said...

This is sooo what I needed today! Too funny. I hate organizing but am trying to be a better person at it....though I don't think that makes you a better person. And, my tree is still up with all the ornaments...I haven't even had a second to look at it. At least it's fake though.

Designing Domesticity said...

Nicely put. I feel the same way. No way to write back to all comments, although I would like to, it's just not possible. I'm commiting to your new rule and just so you know, I don't expect to get an email in return! :)

Lou Cinda @ Tattered Hydrangeas said...

L.M.A.O.!!!!!! I HATE my house after Christmas! It is SO boring!! Lifeless....but then I give it about a week and it starts to feel normal again...whatever normal is!!

Looking forward to Scott's!! We are leaving at the BUTT CRACK of dawn I tell ya'! We are about 2.5 hours away and we HATE Atlanta freeways...but...WE ARE WOMEN...armed with a Tomtom....life is good...we will prevail....and we will see you there!

Lou Cinda

Staci Edwards said...

Cute pillows!

Kim@Chattafabulous said...

Ha ha Sherry! That pic is the bomb! Sorry you are not feeling well and your mishap with the Target glasses sucks but life is good - you rock all of us with your hilarious posts and your fab makeovers. Keep the love comin girl.... and Scott's on $10 ain't gonna happen!!

kevin blumer said...

the thing that really get me is after xmas you take your tree down and your decorations and your cards down and your room feels empty again even as a kid that use to happen as well then i feel down then a few days i get ready for the new year a few days after the newyear i feel better prepared

Marianne said...

I have just given you the Stylish Blogger Award!

Julie Holloway said...

I knew you were a fellow hippie. You are still just as gorgeous.

You just gave Camille a huge compliment calling her a person. Is she not the most evil person ever???

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