The Mart

Boy the blogs were all a flutter this week about the fashions on the Golden Globes.  I don't know about you but that is the only reason I watch it and I fast forward through all the "thank you so parents...blaa...blaa...I can't believe I won....]  I always love the ones who get up there and just start babbling...that would be me for sure.  I am never prepared for that kind of stuff!!!

Anyway...on to what I saw this week at the Atlanta Market.  Thoughts....not quite as much industrial...pretty is back!  Mixing the feminine in with the industrial...lots of green, rust/orange....did not see much "honeysuckle".

Lets start with this.   Ms. Kelley A. Neumann of Preen Furniture Design from Milwaukee, WI.  All of her furniture was recycled and recreated by her.  The fabrics were so fun and she was sweet as can be.  She showed for the first time at Highpoint.  I love that she is saving things from landfill [of course we all are now..... buying from Goodwill and thrift stores!]
Here are some pictures.

Love the pink and teal!

I bet these flipping sofas are all over Florida!  I love this style.

Another fun sofa

More "West palm Beach" the pillows.
Snazzy...check out the back....
chair if your educated and don't rip apart the english language like I do :)
You go Kelly!

Since we are into color right now...thought these things were cute.

another style
So simple...and are the pillows
Hmmmm...lets keep going with the color.  These rugs made me drool....they sell them at ABC in NYC.  Not in my budget but oh how I would love to own one.
or even 2...
The colors were spectacular. know how you walk in a store or showroom and just know you are in a little over your head....but me likey SO very much.

My sister has chairs just like this...I said get out the spray paint girl!

I saw lots of white painted furniture.

Oh my....LOVE this... can buy or you can make!

This is just a sampling....I was there 5 days and my head is spinning!  Seriously it makes Scott's look like a small stall at a flea market!  
I have so many more pictures to I will try to get to it this week.  I feel so behind in my life right now.....overwhelmed.


Anonymous said...

oh Sherry, what fun you must have had...
market is always a blast and tiring...but it gets you inspired and feeling creative...
post more pics...

Interior Design Musings said...

i am so blown away by the rug dyed green. Not sure what I think about it from a design standpoint, but can honestly say, I have never seen anything like it anywhere! M.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE all the pics you took! So fun and funky!

My Interior Life said...

I would love to go to Market one day. Sigh. That green rug is (and the others) are crazy colorful. Love it! And yes, recycled furniture seems to be my new favorite thing.

Thanks for sharing!

Kristen @ This Charming House said...

oh my! that green rug is to die for! I don't even want to think about much mualahhh that costs!

Unknown said...

I love that black and white striped chair too!

A Vintage Vine said...

Thanks for sharing...I lived in Atlanta for 10 yrs....sure do miss that area! Lucky you..a trip to Atlanta Market!!!

Cherisse said...

Hi Sherry! I'm all open-mouthed in disbelief! I love the furnitures the colors and the textiles! My favorite is the the 5th, 6th, and 9th pictures! Beautiful! Do they have a website? Definitely will check it out! Thanks for sharing

Elsie said...

I didn't see these, Sherry! I finally made it yesterday, took loads of pictures, just went to download and my damn memory card wasn't in!! I'll have to depend on you.

Abby M. Interiors said...

I love color and these are such great finds. I especially love the "west palm beach" chair. ;-)

Did you buy anything??

Gretchen O. said...

First of all, love Preen Furniture Design, of course there is a special place in my heart for discarded furniture! Secondly, that green rug from Nordic Trading was one I swooned over in Charlotte (someday I WILL get my hands on one of those beauties)...and lastly YAY COLOR!

Michelle said...

I really need to go to this place!!!

Anonymous said...

That green rug! I want it! I can't wait to see the rest of your pics.

Mary Ann Pickett said...

What a fun post! All that color! I am ready for more color...even with lots of white thrown in.
Mary Ann

Lou Cinda @ Tattered Hydrangeas said...

Bigger than Scotts??? I don't think I could have handled it! lol

Love the colors!!

Lou Cinda

Cindy said...

Pretty is back!? Thrilled to hear. Thanks for sharing your pics!

Cherisse said...

Thanks Sherryl for sharing! I can't wait to see more blogs!

Kim@Chattafabulous said...

Would you believe I have a chair exactly like that "West Palm Beach " number? It's currently sporting worn harvest gold velvet and it is (going to be) freaking awesome!

Kellie Collis said...

Fabulous! I love the pink and green combination! Enjoy the gorgeous day, Kellie xx

for the love of a house said...

such an interesting post! 5 days?! my head would have exploded! love the white chippendale chairs. I seemed to have missed the whole honeysuckle thing!


Megan said...

Hi Sherry! I'm so glad that we recently connected via our blogs; I'm so excited to continue to follow along. I love your style! I'm passing on a stylish blogger award to you, hope you'll check out your shout out on my post today!!

Gloria Fox said...

Wow...$70 for the bookpage wreath? I'll make my own thank you very much. haha

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