Somebody emailed me to say she missed my blog.....I miss it also.

So I need a wife to do all the things that take up my time now so I can get back to what is important:)

I have had a few small installs and one of them was this powder room....

Yes...she was a tad bit dull...just your basic builder grade bathroom.  I was excited to make this room special....

Here is my board after I decided what the heck I was gonna do!

Let's talk about the good parts of this room:

1.  I did not really have to undo it was pretty much a blank slate!

2.  The paneling was already there which I was really happy about!

I had been looking at these Josephine Munsey wallpapers and fell in love.  This one seemed perfect as it had a neutral background and after looking at some colors I decided on SW Analytical Gray to use as the color for the vanity and the paneling.

In the beginning I was almost thinking to change the  countertop and possibly faucet but after some thought I knew I could make a bigger impact adding other things to the space. 

The paneling was painted and the light fixture went up and I knew she was going to be a stunner.  If you have tall ceilings this fixture from Visual Comfort is wonderful!  It comes in a single, double and tripple and I have used it quite a few times.....

I also ordered one of my favorite mirrors from Currey and Co which I knew would be good because it has silver tones and would go nicely with the faucet.....I don't think all the metals need to match!

I picked up the small watercolors from Vickie Sides at Scott's Antique Market before I even started the project cause they were so pretty and then "bam" they were perfect!

I scored the frames while I was thrifting....remember there needs to be something old in every space to give it life!  In my opinion....

I could not be more in love with the outcome.  I rarely use a colored mat but I am so glad I went out of my comfort zone!

Here you can see that the mirror has an antique feel to it!

The towel ring is from Kohler and the larger towel is from Target!

Of course where do we get all of out soap pumps....Homegoods!

If you know me then you know I love some texture so I got the kleenex box from Target

And there you have it!  

Powder rooms are my jam and I love to give them a refresh!  Almost everyone see this space.....

Hope everyone is having a great Friday.....I had a big install on Wednesday and I will try to get a post up about that soon....

Love you guys...

Sherika the Freaka

Oh yeah I had a birthday and now I am 72.....not sure how I feel about that!


Sherry98029 said...

Been following you for a bit now. Love your personal style and decorating style. This powder room is darling!

Anonymous said...

Forever my fav on ig and here!

Janice said...

Love this powder room and so happy to have a post from you!

Jaci T said...

Yay! Missed you and that wallpaper is gorgeous. Nice job pulling it all together.

Heiða said...

Missed you and as always, perfect room! said...

It is so great to see you post! This room, like everything you do, is outstanding! I LOVE the wallpaper and the colors. Thanks for telling us where you bought the items, I am making a trip to Target and Home Goods today. As for turning 72 - you are so talented and so interesting, what do you care about a number! Happy Birthday!

auntp said...

It's so much fun to see a new post! I love everything you did in this bathroom and enjoy following you on IG!

Lexi said...

Sherry this powder room is fantastic! That wallp[aper is gorgeous and I'm sure you have made your clients very happy with this transformation. LOVE to see you blogging!!

Ms.JayQue said...

So happy to see this post from you. First, belated happy birthday!! Second, that powder room is gorgeous, love it. Take care of yourself.

Anonymous said...

I love that bathroom and agree we miss you!!! K Sunday

Anonymous said...

I miss your posts too. Love this instal! Can’t wait to see the big instal. Happy Birthday!

barbara said...

I am trying to figure out my builder-grade powder room. While my space is more modern, I think this looks phenomenal! Really took it to the next level. Power rooms should be gorgeous! One thing I have done was change out the door knob. It is now a little piece of jewelry!

I too just had a birthday...the day of this post!

Love the wedding outfit on IG!

Anonymous said...


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