I have participated in Room Service twice now, but this time I had too much on my plate to make it happen:(

Honestly it is a ton of hard work......but so worth it.  I love that you really have to think outside the box to be creative.

I have a few images of completed rooms today that are just incredible!

One of the founders,  the talented Dayka Robinson  put this room together.  You have got to see the before.....

Kristin Jackson of the Hunted Interiors designed this room....she is incredibly creative!

Another talented designer, Jennifer Reynolds created this fun space.  Love these fun colors....

My good friends Lori May, Angela [The Painted House] and Rhoda teamed for this inspired and artistic space in the girls cottage.

Most of the rooms had small kitchens AND baths to makeover also!

And my girl Rhonda Peterson put together this bad boy!  We spent a lot of time together when I did the Cathedral Show House this winter.....laughing.....laughing.....and staring at pictures of her hunk of burning love husband....seriously hot!

My good friend Ally [From The Right Bank] started her project with this incredible "Palm Beach"......

Everyone of these designers raised and.......spent their own worked their "ass" off to give these homeless children an inviting space to live.

There were 2 cottages this for girls and another for boys.  There are more designers and more before and afters to share with stay tuned.

Oh yeah there is one more little bit of news........My husband is retiring his flying career from United Airlines, so on Saturday I am heading up to Chicago to take his last trip with him.

On Sunday we will fly to Hong Kong....for 36 hours.....yup.....something like 16 hours in the air one way.  

16 HOURS!!! gonna be tired and cranky.....just saying.

AND......the final thing is about Mary Ann from Classic.Casual.Home.  She has a giveaway that is close to her heart that supports ROWAN, Rural Orphans & Widows Aids Network.  Please go visit and read about this worthy cause.

You guys are more than awesome......

Sheriky Freaky


Unknown said...

you are seriously awesome. Congrats on your hubs retirement and good luck on your long trip! Lots of movies and blogging? Love those room re-dos.
xo Nancy

René said...

I agree with Nancy, you are beyond awesome! Congrats to your husband and happy flying. P.S. Those room makeovers always blow me away.

Elizabeth @ The Little Black Door said...

There will be cocktails on the plane, right? Congrats to your husband!

Karena said...

This is so heartwarming! Every room is alive with color and will help to brighten the loves of those living at Room Service.
You deserve a cocktail regardless!

2013 Designers Series featuring Scot Meacham Wood!
Art by Karena

The Pink Pagoda said...

These rooms are so fantastic. What a wonderful endeavor! Congratulations to your husband. Sixteen hours is a lot of cocktails : )

Patty Day @Pattys Epiphanies said...

The Room Service make overs are awesome!
Congratulations on hubby's retirement! Now your fun begins...
We've done many Asian flights....they are something else. Our son lived in Seoul for years. He's moving to Hangzhon, China the end of this month.
More long trips in our future!!!

Rhonda E. Peterson said...

Hi there! Thanks so much for including me in this posting! Major congrats to your husband! I'm laughing already imagining your days ahead (think conversations at the Cathedral)! Lol a lot!!!

Woodside Park said...

What awesome rooms! And all for a fabulous cause. Congrats on your husband's retirement. Enjoy Hong Kong, and eat lots of dim sum :) And bubble tea. Have you had those?

Karen at Home Sweet Hollywood said...

Sherry these rooms are fantastic, and such an incredibly awesome thing for these designers to much love!

Congrats to your hubby! I remember when my brother-in-law retired from Delta....we all got special clearance to greet him with big signs and lots of embarrassment for him as he came off the plane. It was a very cool memory.

Have an awesome flight with your man! So cool! xo

Linda {Calling it Home} said...

I love these rooms! Wow, congrats to your husband. I made that flight once. That was back in the day when halcion was the way to travel. Good luck!

Lisa Gabrielson said...

The girls did a GREaT job!!! Thanks for sharing. And many congrats to your husband on his retirement! Enjoy the trip. Miss you.

stephanie at Stephanie Kraus Designs said...

one word... ambien. have a great trip and how generous of your designer friends to commit their time, energy and money to Room Service --the result? ahmazing fun rooms. love it.

Kim said...

Sherry ... these rooms are fantastic ... what a special gift these women (and YOU) are giving those in need! Have a ball on your trip ... live it BIG and congrats to Mr. Sherika!! xo

LiveLaughDecorate said...

Congrats to the hubs lady. And thanks for sharing the Room Service pics. Rest up, you are in for a LONG flight. Sure you'll find the humor somehow, even when you can't feel your legs from sitting so long. Be safe and have a blast.

Erika at BluLabel Bungalow said...

Thanks for sharing a preview of the spaces! You are always so supportive. So much to celebrate this Summer. I'm sure David's last flight will be bittersweet, but that means more one-on-one time with his favorite girl :wink:

StagerLinda said...

Great rooms for a great cause. Congratulations on your husbands retirement. I think your trip sounds glamorous and fabulous!

michele said...

congrats on the retirement. you should def drop by on sat before hong kong if you happen to be wandering 85 miles from o'hare. i will show you the 50 unfinished projects i have started over here and raise a glass to your pilot!

smiles to you, sherasian.


ci ndy said...

Congratulations on your husband's retirement and good luck on that long trip!!

Flying Designer said...

Big congrats to your pilot hubby! I hope you have a fabulous last trip with your guy in the cockpit. Take pictures of the water cannon spray from the firetrucks :)



Mary Ann Pickett said...

Bon voyage and thanks for having such a generous heart!

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