My weekend and a reminder....

We had the best Sunday Supper ever...and I wanted to share with you what a fun thing we did.  I think I have mentioned before that we like to party on Sunday night instead of Saturday night.  We make it very casual and since it is a school night nobody stays too late :)  I guess that means we are old but I can hardly stay away past 10:00 pm these days.

The theme was make your own pizza.  We got the bags of pre made dough from Trader Joe's.  I think they are a $1.00.  That surprises me that I know the price because I can not even tell you what a gallon on milk cost.  I am the WORST grocery shopper.  Hate it.  I am all over the place in side of the store to the other.  Just picture this....say I am looking for peanut butter....I stand there for 10 minutes...frozen because I have no idea which brand is the best.  I try to remember commercials but usually I just grab what I see someone else take.  It is truly pathetic.  

Here are a few pictures of Pizza night
Since it was a buffet I just made the table pretty.  It had been such a beautiful day in Atlanta and we were feeling all "springy"

Here is a picture of all the toppings for the pizza...
The fresh veggies

Meats and fish.

Everyone had so much fun inventing their pizza.  There were definitely some favorites like the cream freshe [by the way...what is that stuff anyway?] with fresh salmon, capers, die.

Some people got creative!  
We even did a desert pizza with cinnamon, sugar, melted chocolate chips and drizzled caramel sauce.  Then topped with ice cream.  Gawd.....I ate so much I felt like a big fat tick.

The trick is to roll out the dough...cook it for a few minutes and then put all the goodies on it.  Then put it back in the oven and WATCH it!  Yeah...we did burn one.

You should try this because we all agreed it was a blast!

While I was there a friend/client asked me to come by on Monday to talk about a few things she wanted to do.  We have been working on her place for about 9 months now and we are starting to work on the DR.  She said that she wanted a new lamp for this chest.

I said [not to be mean or anything...] we need more than that babe.  So here is PROOF that most people already have what they need to create a vignette. 
After turning the chest to the other is what I came up.

She even had the green apples!  And that awesome brass lamp!
Then I found these in the hallway.
So we are going to find one more and make a small gallery on the wall to the right of the chest.

Use what you have.  Seriously... start shopping your own house.  Don't go to Homegoods.  I mean it.

Don't forget about the giveaway...picking a winner tomorrow!


Kim@Chattafabulous said...

That is my plan - well , maybe just a FEW things from HomeGoods! :)

lizziefitz said...

Great redo. Love your pizza party.I miss Trader

Joes but word on the street says we are getting one down south soon!!!!

My Notting Hill said...

The pizza party looks like great fun - laughed out loud w/your descriptor of a fat tick. Love your client's bureau makeover too.

L.Duncan@Home23DuncanBoys said...

A pizza party?!?!? What a great idea! and great job on the mini makeover. Okay, use what I have...will do! But, can I run out to Homegoods real quick? Haven't been in a while;-)


Sherry Hart you are so creative! I'd take a trip to Homegoods with you as long as we could stop by Wetseal ;-).

Montana project looks fabulous too! Bet that was fun.

Lissa Pierce said...

We have Sunday Dinners too! I love the make your own pizza idea...too fun. All those topping choices are making my mouth water.
Love the quick change. I always forget to shop my own house and move things around......I have no problem at other people's houses. I also am going to have to go against your advice and head to Homegoods....I just can't stay away from that place!

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

The pizza party sounds fun and the pizza looks incredible. I love pizza. That small change of putting the chest on the other wall and vignette made a huge difference.

The enchanted home said...

W0W!! What fun, can I be invited to your next pizza night? I am as impressed with your pretty table as I am all the delicious looking ingredients. What a great idea....I am going to have to take your lead and invite my older kids over to entice them with a pizza party (that should do the trick) Love it and am now forwarding to my sister who will too. GREAT idea!

Anonymous said...

pizza party looks amazing..great idea...
and isn't it interesting that you can put together a fabulous look/vignette using what you already have? you just need a different set of eyes to see what you have...or see what you have in a new know what I'm trying to say... :)

Lou Cinda @ Tattered Hydrangeas said...

Pizza Night sounds like so much fun! And the "redo" looks GREAT! I know your friends love having a friend/designer!

Loving this weather!

Lou Cinda

Dharma said...

Sometimes it's just another set of eyes that are needed to view what we own and what we already have to play with in a brand new way! I'm totally swiping that Pizza Party idea for my son's birthday :)

Unknown said...

Oh the pizza night sounded like so much fun- what a fabulous idea!! And what you did with that dresser, so gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Love your pizza night!

Naomi@DesignManifest said...

I am SO having a pizza making party now! What fun. I am all about casual get-togethers.

And yes, that dining room is already looking much improved!

alissa {33shadesofgreen} said...

Everything in this post is gorgeous! Love the tablescape, the pizza and what you did for your friend. That chest is beautiful!

mimi said...

Will you marry me Sherry? I need a wife, unlike myself! Best ideas ever.

Amy Benny Higgy said...

Fabulousness! All of it! I would have named the Pizza Fish "Fred". Just because.

Joyce said...

I have always wanted to do a pizza party. After seeing yours it is on my list for sure!

I love what you did by simply moving the chest and creating what the homeowner had.

We are having carpet installed tomorrow and I'm driving my DH crazy with moving things from one room to the next. Pulling out the paint chips etc... I am still scratching my head on the fireplace room. Hmmm... maybe I will just start a fire and open a bottle of wine!

The countdown begins for the give away! xo

Heidi @ Decor & More said...

Great advice! I love redecorranging!! Bet her wallet was lovin' it, too. Enjoy your day!

Abby M. Interiors said...

This might be one of my favorite posts you have done! What a lovely table for a pizza party. That vignette looks so elegant!

Cindy said...

Ha! I'm with you man... when i go to the dreaded WalMart for staples like toothpaste,... i just stand there in a stupor because there are like eight thousand brands of toothpaste! I mean, what the heck! it's insane..
i love the cherry blossoms on the table, it looks so inviting, and it's so cool how you dressed up that little chest, just like that it went from blah to amazing!


A Vintage Vine said...

Shop the house, shop the house!!! Make it into a rap....that would be awesome, you could use it as a theme song!!! Great advice!

Marianne said...

I love your pizza party idea! I think I need to have one myself. Sounds like a lot of fun!

Cassie Bustamante said...

that dinner looks amazing!!! the fish is so cute- what a fab idea! you are making me hungry.

Marie Söderberg said...

looks yummie :))

Carol@TheDesignPages said...

We often do pizza parties but I find all the chopping for prep is as much work as making though:) Love that new transformation. Your client has some beautiful pieces to work with.

Gretchen O. said...

First of all the flowering quince is making me jealous....we had tons of it at our old house....and the pizza party sounds like so much fun! And Bravo for only burning one, that is an accomplishment. I couldn't agree more about shopping your home!

Kathysue said...

Sherry this is wonderful!!! I do Pizza parties with the grands but not with the adults, Next Bday I think this will be our party idea!! Thank you for that and now for that gorgeous chest, it looks wonderful that lamp was perfect, lucky friend/client to have you around!! KS

Tammy@InStitches said...

Yum, pizza party ! I've been shopping the house quite a bit lately. When you move art around it's like having something totally new, we get so use to things being in a certain spot that we don't see it anymore.

Anonymous said...

"Don't go to Homegoods." Best. Advice. Ever. I don't know the price of anything either. I guess the two of us shouldn't grocery shop together then ....

Lori @ Lori May Interiors said...

Love the Sunday supper! Beautiful job with the dresser, I really need to shop my own home more too!

Love the Montana post! I can't even imagine!! Congrats on your 1 yr anniversary, you are doing an amazing job!

charm home said...

Your tablescape looks amazing. It's way too pretty to eat on. And that pizza looked so yummy. We've tried to make our own pizzas before and it never seems to work right. We have problems rolling the dough out. We decided that from now on we'll leave the pizza cookin' to Antico Pizza. We love that place.

Unknown said...

oH man those pizzas look soooo good! I love shopping my house - it's kind of like a game of musical objects :)

Interior Design Musings said...

We have done the same thing with pizzas! We did it for a football game night with friends and made several. People tasted each as they came out of the oven. Also, I totally agree on using what you have. Amazing what you can do when you simply move it around. M.

Pratishtha Durga said...

A pizza party sounds just fabulous. Seems like you all had a wonderful time.

Cindy R said...

Wow, the pizza looked soooo yummy! What a great idea. Loved the table, ahhh the feel of spring in the air.
And the always work miracles and with so little effort! You rock!

Unknown said...

Pizza party great idea & the table looks great

Dana Gastelum said...

Cute pizza party!! Love the fish pizza - how creative! Would be such a fun idea for a kid's party too!

The Vintique Object said...

Your table is gorgeous and spring-y and I love what you did with your friend's bureau! (I keep hearing about this Homegoods -- we have not a single one in the Bay Area, so I guess I'll have to shop my house regardless.

René said...

Sherry, you are so good and you whipped that little vignette right up. It looks beautiful and I am loving that brass lamp.


Tina rowden said...

Pizza looked FAAABBULOUS just like you!! + love the chest makeover you are so clever... but nothing is more fun than a trip to home goods with SJH herself ;)

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