Just like fashion....a room needs to be styled. You can put on the cute little black dress, but without the shoes, jewelry, the "fantastic purse", a jacket....it will look like every other black dress. You need to make it your own by adding your style to it! The before and after pictures show what a big difference adding accessories will make to your space. Rug, pillows, curtains, and furniture placement will make a huge difference. When Denise and start a job, we always take everything out of the room and start over. Furniture first, then tables, lamps, wall art, pillows and table accessories last. You will be surprised at how the room will come together, when you do it in that order. It is then that we can begin to make a list of things to help complete the room. Shop the other rooms in your home. Just moving furniture and accessories around can make you feel like you have a new room!!
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