So I went to a movie for the first time in a year!  I know....crazy huh?  I jumped up on Sunday afternoon and made the 4:00 show of La La Land.

OMG.......Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone are magical together.  The dancing...the music..the dialog.  I was definitely entertained and even got chills a few times.  It was the perfect formula for a romantic comedy.  

So glad I saw that one for my re-entry into movie land.

Thinking I will keep it short and sweet today since everyone is so darn busy this time of year.

I  wanted to show you the picture of my bedroom in Atlanta Magazine Home.  

If you remember if was before the ORC.

Since there was no black and white in it.....Ginny Branch and I scoured another bedroom and came up with this black and white throw and pillow from West Elm!  Just proves you can add black and white to any color:)

And you can see that the headboard is the same....lamps are the same, table-skirt and nightstand also.

It's so weird for me to look at my ORC pictures now and remember the all white walls!

You know what?  I actually love both versions and I am probably gonna want those white walls in the summer:)  But.....I could add all white bedding for a fresh look right?

Next up is this small kitchen of a clients daughter who called me to come look at the existing space.


It was crazy...the DW was right next to the oven. 


We really tried to work with it but in the end we decided to rip it out and go for an Ikea kitchen.  

That sounded theory.

Only one problema......if you have never done one before it can be quite overwhelming.

So I called in the expert.  My son in law from Boulder who has done about 20 of them.

I sent him the measurements and he drew it out for me and gave me all of the item numbers!

Easy peasy.

Making progress.  We decided to keep the fridge but made the space large enough for a full size one eventually!

The island went in....

You might have noticed we changed out the floors also!

Soon countertops, lights and pretty things!

WHAT!  5 days until Christmas. 




the gardener's cottage said...

oh i want to see lala land too. we went and saw hampshire by the sea and i highly recommend. casey affleck is amazing. it's a sad movie but so well acted.

like you i would miss the white walls. i go back and forth with changing things. i look back at old blog photos of my home and think it looked better then with less crap. but i love your dark walls too. it ain't easy being me. xo

Kathysue said...

Love your dark moody master bedroom! It will be fun to see the changes and additions in the future, because I know you will find some new pillows along your travels. Yes Christmas is on it's way and I can not wait. Merry Christmas my friend! xoxo

michele said...

i like the before AND the after, sherry. we did a similar treatment to the master bedroom wall in the arizona fixer last year so if you see it on my blog in 2017, you are gonna be thinking COPY CAT but i really so try not to copy everything you do! (and you'll get to see how it looks white!). i need a headboard for that room after seeing yours! have a wonderful christmas! xox

Jen said...

Love the changes to the kitchen. I'm struggling with kitchen lighting and hope you can help! I have a similar layout, with a small island and round kitchen table. I am stuck on picking lights for above the island and table that will look good together. Help!

Maryann said...

Ahh, a table skirt! Someone on Houzz called it a don't and I've been panicking about what to do with mine. But I think another nightstand will look too heavy in my room. Plus, it's just so darn practical and covers a multitude of sins (read: storage under the skirt). So, I respect your design authority and love your aesthetic. You've given me hope!

Unknown said...

A very Merry Christmas to you Sherry! I love all of your projects and want to thank you for the entertaining posts all year long! Congrats on a stellar year and may 2017 be even better! Love to you and Cami, xo Nancy at Powell Brower Interiors

mollie's mom said...

Doing a little blog reading catch up and my daughter and I went to see La La land, too over the holidays.Wow. We both were transported by it! We kept saying it wasn't what we expected but, Wow!
Oh, BTW, we need a little catch up on how Cami is doing... pillows and curtains are fun to see but Cami is the star!

Shopping Fashion Deals said...

Your writing has a way of simplifying even the most complicated ideas

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