Movers, backsplash, and chairs painted!

Hope everyone had a swell Mothers day!  It was quiet for me but I enjoyed my last weekend before going underground to the bedroom.  So packers came today...movers tomorrow and demolition on Wednesday.  I am really interested to see how they will do everything with no damage.  Guess that is why they are professionals.

Here are a few pictures....
It is tore up now....
Take your last look at my floors because guess what??????
I am painting them all white!  I mean when is the next time everything will be moved out of my WHOLE house????  I am using the Chalk Paint by Annie Sloan.  I called a few vendors who sell it and they said it is the best stuff.  I ordered a quart today and it should be here by Wednesday so I can sample.  I used 1/2 paint and 1/2 water for my bedroom floors but I think this is a better product.
These are the bedroom floors.  They are white oak as opposed to the red oak in the rest of the house.

I have quite a collection of white ironstone  pitchers that I have not displayed  forever.  I was collecting things while most of you were in braces and high school.  Seriously.  If I saw something in a magazine that I liked, I would make it my mission to buy every. last. one. slipcovers are dirty as the bottom of my feet.  I just let them go the last week or so.  Dogs just crawling all over them.  So what who cares....
More...and I think some were already packed up.  Hoarder.
Whoops...a few more.
I guess I will be putting everything back in a different way...why is what we do right?
I love old trays.....
And calligraphy brushes...especially if they are cream.
I have had this covered up for years with a skirt...but now that gold is back just might make an appearance.
Covered. is what I am thinking for the backsplash.  I only need $180.00 worth......sweet huh?
It is called Alabama white.
I love the size...6x12.

Remember first CL purchase????
Here they are painted!
Of course I am not sure where they are going.  I am not sure of what to cover the seats in.  I am not sure of anything except that I LOVE em!

So.....all of this from a little old dishwasher leak......and floors that can't be replaced.  Until now.  PAINTED WHITE.  My dream.


Jessie said...

You are quite a collector of beautiful home accessories with character. The CL chairs you painted white look awesome.


René said...

I'm so jealous over those chairs! Your floors are going to look amazing. Wish I had known about that paint before I painted mine.

Kathysue said...

Sherry Good luck with all of this. I know it can be a pain to go through but it is kind of motivating at the same time. I can read it in your words, you are taking this time to re-imagine your space and do some things you have been wanting to do. Go Sherry!!! xo Kathysue

Rashon Carraway said...

Ok. I am a bit lost.
Are you moving?
That $180 backsplash has me thinking out loud.

Rashon aka Mr. Goodwill Hunting

Pinecone said...

Love your trays, and your gorg collections. The backsplash tile is going to look great!!

Joyce said...

I can't wait to see the new floor.

I was lost in thought admiring your white pitchers, the feathers in the pitcher and the trays... the backsplash is Happy moving out for a bit! xo

LiveLikeYou said...

I love white floors! I painted all the floors in my entire house in Sweden with white porch paint, best design decision I ever made!! You will love.

Carrie @ Hazardous Design said...

Oh wow. What a great blog you have! Thanks for stopping by today. I'm looking forward to catching up on your previous posts.
P.S. Good luck with the move!

Kim@Chattafabulous said...

All this and white floors too? I am excited about this one - I know the transformation will be unbelievable. Keep us posted!!

bluehydrangea said...

Good luck!! And those chairs? Amazing!!

Marianne said...

Cannot wait to see the floors!!!

Interior Design Musings said...

How exciting!!! I love a good project. Just seeing all that stuff packed up makes me want to redo over here!! hold. me. back. M.

Anonymous said...

DYING for that Alabama White!!! What a major ordeal but it's all going to be so worth it when it's all done!

Renae Moore said...

Oh Sherry I can't wait to see! I am particularly interested in your floors. I want to do mine...maybe I should pray for a DW leak! Ha!

I painted my faux bamboo black, see here:

Ceri said...

Can't wait to see the white floors!! I wish I had a picture of ours in Seaside. They are fantabulous!!!

Your taste is amazing! I love the painted white chairs. How about a really bold graphic Trina Turk print?

birdie to be said...

I love it. I love the light colors together and the wood. Cant wait to see the finished project.

My Interior Life said...

Oh, Sherry, it will be beautiful! Your chairs look great, and I can't wait to see the finished product!

Emma at The Marion House Book said...

Excited to see the white floors - it's a daring move - but something I would do as well! Can't wait to see them.

Danika Herrick said...

Thanks so much for visiting today! I have been loving your blog, and I can't wait to see these floors. It has been my dream to paint my floors white, but I live in a house of testosterone where wood is good. I need a dishwasher leak!
Love your chairs too, so much good stuff going on over here!

Dayka Robinson said...

if you're confused about what to do with that stuff, i know a sister with a delicious little restaurant only 4 MILES from your home that would probably love for you to share it with her. i'm just sayin'....

rosa @ flutterflutter said...

First off, I love the stripes in the entrance! Second, good for you being brave enough to paint all your floors!! My office has hardwood that is different from the rest of the house, thinner strips and more orangey, and have toyed with the idea of painting it since we moved in. Look forward to hearing how the product works for you! You can be my test bunny! : )

Unknown said...

I'm excited to see the progress pics! And the chairs looks amazing. It always shocks me what a coat of paint can do for an old piece of furniture.

Lori @ Lori May Interiors said...

White floors, how exciting, Sherry! Which white did you go with? Heidi and I are about to order the same paint, but we were debating on which white to go with?
Take care,

nelya said...

Ok, so did the dishwasher reeeally leak? Kidding. Just kidding. What a great opportunity to reinvent your already beautiful home. I love the image of your fireplace surround and built-in cabinet...the wood tones are gorgeous.

Mary said...

I love your new backsplash tile. It will look great with your counters. It's quieter. Does that make sense?

for the love of a house said...

oh, this is so exciting!!! I'm a bit of a horder myself, so I totallly understand;) The gold table base is gorgeous. I say remove that skirt at once!!


Bri@Meyouandawiener said...

Serious chair envy. Serious.

Anonymous said...

love your Ironstone cream ware collection...
you have some great pieces of other collectibles gotta get them out and display them...
can't wait to see what your floors will look like when finished...
am crossing my fingers that everything works out well!!! :)

Danielle Sigwalt Interiors said...

Great chairs and so happy to see that you made your first CL becomes addicting after awhile!

Dumbwit Tellher said...

Sherry your white woods floors throughout are going to look tremendous. All your collections are so lovely; I'm a huge fan of ironstone. We are having wood flooring installed starting tomorrow and not looking forward to the chaos. I'm not a huge fan of what is being installed but since our house is 4 sale it is what appeals to the masses. I so dislike designing a home for other people just in case you chose to move. Happens to us every time. Best of luck with the transformation, looking forward to seeing the gorgeous results!

Cheers ~ Deb

Heather (love your space) said...

Thanks for visiting my blog yesterday--love getting comments!

You have so many amazing pieces in there. It will be fun to see how you pull it all together after the reno.


Carol@TheDesignPages said...

What fabulous collections you have. Such an exciting and fresh start you're going to have. Can't wait to see how it all goes back together.

An Urban Cottage said...

I'm intrigued by the floor process. Are you putting the watered-down paint right on the sanded wood so it will give the same sort of pickling effect that you have in the bedroom? And then a clear coat over it?

An Urban Cottage said...

Oh, I like all your "stuff."

The Vintique Object said...

Hi Sherry -- the packing up with be a drag, but with the addition of the white floors, your new backsplash, and the bamboo chairs, I just know that there will be other fun changes involved too. So I am looking forward to that process...

Aubrey {All Things Bright and Beautiful} said...

Holy moly! That is one *huge* undertaking, girl! But I can see why you are so excited, they are going to be fab! Nothing like a little facelift for the house to get your blood pumping, eh? (c: Can't wait to see it finished (and I'm sure I'm in good company...)!

traci zeller designs said...

YAY!! What an ordeal ... but how *exciting* at the same time!!!!!

Judy said...

I love the painted chairs, I love your ironstone collection, I love your antlers, I all! Can't wait to see your floors and all put back together.


Katie said...

Those wicker chairs are awesome...

Hope your little (big?:) reno goes smoothly!

Mary Ann Pickett said...

That is why I am afraid of wood floors in kitchens. In one house we had the floors refinished three times due to dishwasher, A/C and toilet leaks. In your case, the change in floor color will be fun. Those wicker chairs are awesome especially in white. Bon courage!

Mona Thompson said...

Sherry, I'm so excited that you are painting the floors. Looking at these pictures, everything you have will look fabulous with them and it is all going to look so different! I cannot wait to see this finished. And that gold table...get the skirt off. It's wonderful. Love the new backsplash and the chairs are divine. Your reveal is going to be so much fun. Do I hear magazine feature? Hang in there. Mona

Tricia said...

I am drooling over all of your stuff!! Can't wait to see the re-do.

Loved your cute comment on my post this afternoon. ;)
Happy Friday,

Alison @ The Polohouse said...

Can't wait for the big unveil!
Your CL chairs are awesome and you write the funniest captions.... laughing out loud to myself... "hoarder" got me first.
Right there with ya!
Ironstone pitchers one of my faves too.

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