Ok...so maybe it was a little out of my way, but I happened to swing by one of my favorite "junk" flea markets in Atlanta. It is called "My Favorite Place".....really! Seriously thought is really is a junk store. I have taken a few friends in there and they were like "are you kidding me?"....this place is crappy! But, I guess you have to be able to spot the "gems" cause I have scored in there many times. Here are a few things I bought.
These, because I am going to do this for someone.....
Pretty huh???
This, because you can do this....
and this...
Love brown transfer-ware....
2 of these... for 3.00
Because you can frame and they look good!!!
And this
Cause it was only 20.00 WITH the cushion....
This because I loved the colors.....Not sure what I am going to do with it but Orange and Navy...2 great combinations agree???
Not these specifically, but some like them. I forgot to take a picture of the ones I got. Have to go do that......But you get the picture. I need a store!! Or maybe I have a sale and "deck" out my garage like I saw another blogger do. It was SO cute. Of course, who am I kidding??? I would have to get serious about cleaning out the garage and basement first. That would require Ritalin....I am not sure I have it in me.
This Week’s Favorite Finds
10 hours ago
I have never heard of that store, but looks like my kind of place. I love those things you bought.
Hi Sherry!
My folks used to
live in Hotlanta,
but we never met
this store ~ I'd
remember, for sure!
I love all of your
purchases, because
they are exactly the
kind that I would
buy, too! Thank you
for stopping by P&H
and for your very sweet
comment about my friend's
journey with cancer.....
It starts tomorrow, with
surgery, and your words
mean more than you can
know. Big hugs, today!
xx Suzanne
I just LOVE your blog, and everything you chose. I'm still thinking about that chicken coup coffee table! I am in Michigan, but next time I visit my family in ATL, I'm heading to Scott's, and your magical junk store.
Sherry-- This store is right down the way from my house. I try to stop in periodically and spot the "gems". It definitely takes some work-- but there are good finds!
Ok, where is it??
My SIL moved to Carrollton and every single time she comes to Marietta I have to take her to The Classy Flea. I scored big once with some 18th century French maps for $12/each, but otherwise to me it just looks like junk. I'm not a good shopper when it comes to stuff like that, although I got a ton of great stuff at Scott this fall and winter when I redecorated my house. I need accessories/lamps/chandeliers, etc. so I need to make another trip down there next month and hope for the best. Seems like they have a lot of good stuff in the fall.
Looks to me like you have a great eye for finds. Maybe an Etsy store would be worth looking into?
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