OK…"bunny" is on a roll. While we were working on the ORC I kept nagging to makeover her foyer. I mean seriously…..15 years is long enough without any changes don't cha think?
Beside the fact that she is giving me some good blogging material you know?
Here is where we started.
This wall treatment is one I did in my guest bath at least 17 years ago.
This was the very fist time I was published in Atlanta Homes & Lifestyles. Thanks Lisa:)
Try as I might I could not talk her out of stripes. I showed her a million wallpapers but "bunny" stood firm. Stripes.
K…..but I did talk her into not using black.
How about this color.
In fact I have been thinking of changing mine to this color…..
So we got to taping one afternoon. You know the drill.
Stripes painted.
Of course we talked about doing something to this piece but it's an antique and makes a nice focal point in the foyer.
After the room was freshened up with paint I started thinking about how to accessorize. My first thought was blue and white.
Problem was she only had plates. Not really a problem for me right? Shopper extraordinar.
I'm on it.
I thought it might take me a while to dig up that much loot.
But the angels were singing when I stopped at one of my favorite haunts last week. Right out front was a plethora of more than enough.
As fast as I could I scooped it up, carried it in saying start wrapping and boxing!
I knew we would need more items so I did not think we would be doing this yesterday but my sister is 10x's more impatient than I am….uh huh.
The minute I mentioned my find she started hounding me to bring it in.
"No….I want to wait until I have the vision"….
She said "blah blah blah"
I'm bringing it in.
Allrighty then….so be it.
Thank goodness for the plates. It turned out we needed some roundness and they helped with the layering.
We decided to stage it like "bunny" came in after winning her trophy and threw down her fur:)
I guess she is going to have to keep shoving magnolia branches in there until that tree is nothing but a stump.
I ripped this out of her bedroom shelf. Since we decided to keep the doors open I thought it would be a good place to hang something.
Now we need a rug and I think we will cover the bench.
Betwixt …..and cheetah maybe. Do you think I could talk her into putting it up the stairs?
Let her know what you think.
Stay tune for more "bunny" foyer updates in the future.
OK…Sherika's got to get her butt in gear today. No more messing around.
I sincerely hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving.