Did I tell you about my photoshoot?  Oh yeah I fact I blabbed about it for about 3 weeks right?  Well I got a sneak peek at the shots and y'all I am giddy with excitement.  It's a whole bunch of black and whiteness all over the pages!  

Who is happy about that?  


My friend Jana Bek asked me to partner with her and 23 other designers to celebrate the talent of interior photographers.  We all know that a good photographer can make a room go from ho hum to beautiful with their skills!  

I have experienced that many times in my career!

I just recently worked with Anthony-Masterson [anthony.masterson on Instagram] at my house and I am smitten with the hip vibe they bring to a shoot....

I love this shot.....
Jayme Armour Designs

This was my sister's ORC a few years back!

The first time my house was photographed for Better Homes and Gardens the beautiful and talented Sarah Dorio showed up! [Sarah Dorio on Instagram]

Seeing this makes me a little nostalgic....ha ha!

Last fall I worked with Erica George Dines [Erica George Dines on Instagram] on Michael Ladisics house for Atlanta Homes and Lifestyles.  She is the ultimate professional.

This was one of my favorite shots of the dining room.

And I loved the light on this one....

Another photographer who's skills are unmatched is Emily Followill. [efollowill on Instagram]

Just look at this beautiful shot from a showhouse a few years back.
Melanie Turner

Her book came out last year!

And last my good friend Tina Rowden [Tina Rowden on Instagram]

Tina is a wedding photographer but also does interiors.
This was one of my favorite shots from Michaels previous house.

I hope you will check out these other designers and their favorite photographers today and on Instagram #camerareadyinteriors

When I look back over some of my pitiful attempts at photography I cringe. 

 Just what the heck was I thinking and why did I not hire a professional?

I am making a proclamation right now to do prepared and call someone who knows what the heck they are doing!




I was so happy last weekend not having a mile long list looming over my head!  And seriously.....every morning when I walk out to my kitchen I smile 'cause I'm a happy girl and feel so lucky to have such a beautiful space to not cook in:)

Of course the fun is over and I am back to work trying to play catch up.  This whole post started when I saw an ad in a magazine for Lacefield Designs new pillows!  

They were this blushy mauve color....

Did I miss something?  Is it back?

I know Pantone tried to bring it back a while ago and I seem to remember that we were all standing around scratching our heads.....

I did see these rugs which were slightly more pink!

That got me looking for "pretty in pink" rooms and accessories.

Nothing like a good rabbit hole to get me distracted!

I saw these at Wisteria....on deep gray walls maybe?

I think my favorite pairing with pink would be grays and greens.

I saw this door and swooned.....

The color of this house did the same thing:)

Which then prompted me to search for a few grown up rooms using pink that I could live with....

Anne Hepfer

Jan Showers

Interior design: Clay Snider
Bath design: Matthew Quinn

Design by Stephen Shubel

Funny how I started out with mauve and ended up with pink....

I couldn't find many.....but THEN I SAW THESE....

Now your talking....Jayne Mansfield's house in Life Magazine.


But wait....hold the door people cause I stumbled across this bunch of prettiness!

Suzanne Kasler nailed it.  I could definitely hang in this room with what she described as "shell pink". 

I can stop now. 

Enough talk about pink.  Gotta walk Cami and get to work!






It seems like everything this past month was all about getting ready for "the photoshoot"'s like Christmas right?  

You shop for a month trying to find the perfect gift for everyone and at the end of the day when all the gifts are opened and the dinner is eaten your like...."well guess I will get on with life until next year".

Not to make light of it because I am still ecstatic!  It was an exciting day day working with so much talent and watching them polish my house like a shiny new penny.

Here are 5 people just to make sure one shot is perfect!  

 It's not all work either......  Owen and Betsy are taking a break to share some love!

Ginny and I were simpatico with our love for hats in styling....

I used one in my last ORC!

Let me just bounce into talking about the talented stylist Ginny Branch!  I worked with her on the HB Kitchen Of The Year and this chick is amazing.

Her flower arrangements made me cry.

On a whim I called to see if she was available to style on my big day and the angels started singing when I heard yes:)

Everybody thought I was crazy but seriously people if I have a hard time decorating my own house....styling it would be close to achieving world peace right?

Know when you don't know.

Look at her work.....

I mean come on...... her gorgeous style is organic mixed with a little romance and who doesn't need that!

And she is sweet as a ripe peach :) 

I am so grateful to Owen and Christine husband and wife photography team for making a long day totally fun!

A couple who clearly love their work and it shows!

To Lisa Mowry and Betsy Riley for trusting me to get my house ready on time.....LOL!

My girl Sudi for always hooking me up with my pillow addiction :)

And of course my friend Michael Ladisic of Ladisic Fine Homes who.... well.....we all know was instrumental in giving me MY dream kitchen lickity split as they say. 

Phil Kazmark for these killer barstools and my cabinet doors....
I know...sitting through the credits and not being able to fast forward is hard but it took a village to pull this off!

One more thing....I have the best clients ever because they were so patient these last 3 weeks but now I know it's time to get back to work!

This is how excited Cami is that it's all over!



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