Thursday....Crikey...where did Tuesday go?

Holy Cow...days are turning into hours.  Not that it is your problem but I feel like a waitress who's station is full and the cook just quit.

Deep Breath....

I have posted before about of my favorite stores in my hood.  Started by Dan Belman and Randy Korando they have now expanded from a mainly garden shop to include furniture and home decor.  

It is full on eye candy when you go.
No lie.

Table is set and ready for guest.  That reminds me of my friend Maria.  I haven't thrown her under the bus in a let me get at it.  It must be a southern thing...but she keeps her DR table set.
All the time.  

In the beginning of our friendship I was always asking her if she was expecting company.  Now I just have a smart comment when I go"look at the dust on those plates".......she will come running in and try to "bow" up on me.  Silly girl.  

If my table was always set then I would have no place to fold my clothes.  Just saying.

Love and want.  Digging the color of the walls.

Check out how they painted a panel on the wall...

I like the color of that mantel.....I mean how pretty are greens and blues all shades.

Green, white and brown....I am getting some inspiration here...

Monogramed pillows....

Why is it so hard to keep plants alive?  They make a vignette look so pretty.  Love the layering here.

This is what I need...greenery but dead already.

Love the table...

Pictures from their greenhouse....

Come to me pretty white hydrangea....

Then outside more plants and containers.

Why is gray so dang pretty????  And with green.  Gray...I can't quit you.

Just a simple fern in a white pot.  Does not get more classic than that.

Like this arrangement in a vintage fishing basket.

Here is a picture of Randy and Dan at their home in Madison, Georgia.  It was featured in Traditional Home a few years ago.  Looky there...they have a sheepdog! As you all know I have 2!!!

Here are a few photos from that article.  They were taken by Colleen Duffley.  The article was produced by my good friend Lisa Mowry.

Oh oh...another picture of their dog....:) Loving the brick floors.

The kitchen...pretty cool huh...

I think this was the cover picture....Love this porch.

Here is the other end of the porch....oh gosh....the dog again.....
You can go here to see more pictures.

Last night my husband [just me]  were flipping through the channels looking for something to watch.  I stopped on The X Factor..... because I wanted to see if Britany  Spears was gonna be meaner than Simon.  At least that is what the clips were insinuating.

I kept looking at her face and something did not look right.  I mean she is only 30 years old so I knew it wasn't a face lift.  After about 30 minutes I blurted out "her eyebrows!"  My husband looked up from his iphone [playing words with friends probably]  like maybe I had said something important and he might get tested later.  

I said "look at her eyebrows.....she forgot to pencil them in"....he is still looking at me and seeing my lips moving but clearly confused.

I went on for about 10 minutes trying to show him that she looked weird....he then said "who is she?".....clearly we are on different fields here.

Anyway the point is....I know they have makeup artist so what happened there?  Anyone else notice?



street sweeping vancouver said...

This is one best interior design I saw in the blog. All colors complement each other to create harmony.

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

You are such a hoot. I knew I would get a good laugh. Did not see Brittany and her missing eyebrows. Darn. I remember this home in TH. Love that huge mirror on the sun porch.

Anonymous said...

I just went to box woods last week and bought a really pretty plant arrangement as a reward for clearing off my dining room table. It is no longer a crap catcher. Now if I can only keep the keep the plants alive...


Marianne said...

Ha! I watched about 15 minutes of the X-Factor last night and thought she looked strange too! Good call on the eyebrows!

Kelly said...

You are soooooooooooo funny! I have never been to Boxwoods but have heard of it. Looks like they have some great things. I didn't see X-Factor, but now I'm intrigued. I will be sure to check out Britney next time.

An Urban Cottage said...

Looks like a great store! I love that table. I'm getting an Ezekiel's Wheel or Old Rugged Cross kind of vibe--something religious--but I still love it. REALLY beautiful house too. I hate that I'm jealous.

Britney was just on TV and do agree her eyebrows are a little sparse BUT did you see her on Jimmy Kimmel? She looks EXACTLY like a young Angie Dickinson! No kidding.

Linda {Calling it Home} said...

Oh I have to go to Youtube to see what she looked like. I was watching the Voice to see if Christina was going to fight with Adam.

A Perfect Gray said...

i adore you lady. those guys love mirrors as much as I do so that must be great guys. that porch does me in. said...

I happen to love dead greenery. It's the only kind of plant that loves me back. That shop is to die for. I want the artwork above the mantle, and I don't usually get drawn to that type of piece. Now for the fellas and their house? The brick is devine and I want that kitchen, and on and on.

Patty Day @Pattys Epiphanies said...

I loooooooooooooooooove Boxwoods. We go whenever we are in the "Regency" high hills of Buckhead! :) I actually have bought a few things, (small things)
I have a friend, Or rather an "Acquaintance" who has not only her "formal" dining table, breakfast table, but also her bar area "set' with plates and napkins in napkin rings ALL the time. And they are "seasonal". Now we did this in our Model Homes when we staged them...and magazines show a number of table "set".....but for every day??? I think it has to be a "Southern" thing. Sure isn't the Northeast.
Wouldn't recognize Britney if I fell over her, eyebrows or no eyebrows. I haven't kept up with that generation...out of the loop, that's us.
Great post, dear Sherry, but they all are.

Melaine Thompson said...

OMG, I am wishing I could've seen the eyebrows!!! Maybe I'll try and google it! M

Taylor Greenwalt said...

You are so funny! I am going to have to watch the x files on net flicks and notice the eyebrows. I am now intrigued....

michele said...

that house should be mine! mannnnn i love it. and i can't quit you, grey, either.



Mary Ann Pickett said...

What a fun store. Green plant in a white pot IS a good combo. I bought some dried boxwood topiaries from Restoration Hardware that I love....but keep almost watering by mistake.

Was Brittany rough on the contestants? She is too young to have thin eyebrows! Guess I better watch the show. :)

Acquired Objects said...

Great store and I just bought a sweater the color of their that color. Funny about Brittney but why would someone that young need to pencil in her eyebrows? Over plucking? BTW how is your doggie feeling these days?

Enjoy your weekend!

Anonymous said...

Long time reader, first time poster. I must say that I LOVE your blog - it is one of my favorites. Love your design style AND your sense of humor!

I also noticed that Britney's eyebrows looked "unpolished" on the show the other night. Be interesting to see what they look like next week!


The enchanted home said...

GORGEOUS post Sharika!!!!!! I am in love wih this store and agree the wall color is so fresh and striking!.......what talent and a great eye they have!
I love stopping by here first thing in the morning I can always count on you to make me smile or laugh or sometimes both. Funny about Britney....I noticed somethind seemed off too!!! Us bloggers are awfully perceptive:) I mean you are so right she is still so young but has aged! Such a beautiful girl but she looks tired. Real tired. I was shocked it looked like she had just woken up and that her makeup was smeared, she didnt' look fresh....come on Brit, get it together!

Bethany [at] Powell Brower Home said...

HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, Why do you always make me laugh so? I love that you, too, use your table to fold clothes. See, we're multitaskers. and i havent seen britney yet. im wondering tho, if her nude/obsolete eyebrows feed into her wide set eyes? hmmm, will have to see.

Unknown said...

Great tour of Boxwood and the owners home! Thank for sharing such beauty! I love stores like that.
Have a great weekend.
xo Nancy

Leslie said...

here are the eyebrows :)

sjr said...

Gotta get on Utube and check out Brittany! I caught a glimpse of her on a commercial and thought she looked rather bizarre but didn't question why. I haven't been to Boxwoods in forever, I need to mosey down there one weekend, I used to get my haircut when I first moved here at Richie Arpino because I could use it as an excuse to visit Boxwoods, plus I was hoping the dudes from Collective Soul would show up:) My son is always complaining our table is cluttered with clothes and mail, I think I will freak him out today and have the table set when he comes home from school!!

alissa {33shadesofgreen} said...

Wow - Boxwoods looks lika an amazing store - full of inspiration! Wishing it was close to Have a lovely weekend Sherry!

Donna-s Lair said...

Yeah I noticed she looked riden hard and put away wet..but I thought that was her style. I was thinking she looked me....except I have an excuse..sort of...I'm a menobitch...54 and feeling 74. I need eyebrows too. My sis told me to get them tatooted...say what?? Tramp stamps on my face?? Huh...sounds great but I'd end up looking like drag. Boxwoods is beautimous...gotta get there soon¡ Thanks for the pics! Donna

Donna-s Lair said...

Yeah I noticed she looked riden hard and put away wet..but I thought that was her style. I was thinking she looked me....except I have an excuse..sort of...I'm a menobitch...54 and feeling 74. I need eyebrows too. My sis told me to get them tatooted...say what?? Tramp stamps on my face?? Huh...sounds great but I'd end up looking like drag. Boxwoods is beautimous...gotta get there soon¡ Thanks for the pics! Donna

Naz said...

I would have noticed the lack of eyebrows on Britney but my stupid cable company knocked out my tv, internet and phone...for 3 days! Turns out they disconnected me so my neighbor could have their cable, internet and phone. Now today they disconnected my neighbor and I have all 3 services (evil laugh). So much for underground utilities.

Speaking of lack of eyebrows Kelly Osborn was sans eyebrows on Fashion Police recently too. Maybe it's the same make-up artist.

Carla Aston said...

Yes, so much eye candy many pretty things! Enjoyed reading about your friend's table setting habits as well as Britney's missing eyebrows...too funny!

Unknown said...

I need some already dead greenery too - i just keep on killing things over here! Didn't see - but I'll tell you eyebrows make a HUGE difference on a person's face!

pam {simple details} said...

Oh what a fun store, you have me looking around wondering what room I could paint that citrus green! I missed Brittany, and her new look, will have to tune in!

Cindy said...

Oh my god, now i have to go find a photo of her eyebrows.
I'm with you, i love the green plants, they add so much, but they shed and die and make me feel guilty! Of course now i want some after seeing these great photos... !


Raina Cox said...

Only you could weave a tale connecting Boxwoods to a mentally ill celebrity's lack of eyebrow pencil.


Also, I was in Boxwoods eons ago and they had a bajillion piece set of purple transferware that blew my mind. I mean literally. I was standing there in the entrance gaping for several minutes when a lovely salesperson asked, in a slightly concerned voice, if I needed help.

How2home said...

Oh my, this store is so pretty! Love to visit the store one day!

Lauralee Beth Torchia Provenzo said...


The Vintique Object said...

Dead greenery. Perfect!

Also, I want to know what you think the interiors equivalent is to forgetting to pencil in eyebrows. Answer in your next post?

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