The winner...and some good grub! I was supposed to pick a winner yesterday but time got away from me.  I actually did pick but am just now getting it out there.  The beautiful and talented Emily Clark has won the fabric and the calendar!  She has just posted her newly redesigned eating area so you need to scoot over there and check it out!

By the way...the beautiful 70 degree weather we had last weekend up and left.  Pretty quickly I might add.  I feel like a drug addict who has gone back to using.....dreary, cold and rainy for the last two days.

Got my camera in the mail...and I am signing up for Photoshop classes.  Just another thing to learn....When you get older I feel like my brain is full.  For me to learn something new I have to let go of something....hope it isn't anything like how to apply lipstick and more like an episode of RHOA.....

Here is a quick sneak peak of the wallpaper:

Just have to put the room back together now.....

The last thing is a  great new restaurant I went to [in Atlanta] the other day called Local Three  It was so good!  I took pictures of the decor and the food.

Love the dark walls and the art
These Bobo light fixtures
This whole wall of recycled wood and shutters.

Really cool.....
Here is the food we got...a steak salad....

 Lobster roll...check out the fries cause they were delish!  Don't they look crunchy?

And I got this
Slap yo mama good...slap somebodies mama.....chicken pot pie.  Yeah I know it was pretty fattening and I ate most of it but I was just WANTING some comfort food.  I only consumed half and ate the rest for dinner.
But here is the best piece of art in are gonna die....
A velvet painting of Elvis....swear!  Oh yeah, I am not kidding.  I think there were like 3 of them.

Hope to get back to some decor soon.....This is not going to be a restaurant and bad art blog :)


Unknown said...

I feel the same about the weather. That food looks sooooo goood!

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

That man didn't look too happy getting his picture made. Looks like a great place and great food.

Emily A. Clark said...

Wooohoooo! It's my lucky day :) What now?

Rashon Carraway said...

Dude in the above picture is like "I dare you." Classic!

What type camera did you get. All the food looks amazing.

Mr. Goodwill Hunting

My Interior Life said...

Yummy! Maybe I could fit in a meal there during my Atlanta visit? Your wallpaper looks great. I grew up 5 minutes from Graceland in Memphis (I kid you not), so I've seen my fair share of Elvis art. None of it good.

A Perfect Gray said...

that is the coolest place. love the 'pig' art and the wall of shutters and old wood. oh, yeah, food looks good, too, but I'm a decor junkie more than a foodie!

René said...

Congrats to Emily, but you know, I could probably eat everything you showed. Love chicken pie!


Kirsty Girl said...

love the walls!

Interior Design Musings said...

Yum!! LOL at the artwork. Reminded me of visits to Memphis when I was in Oxford for college and law school. Loved those trips to the big city, but could not get over the number of velvet Elvis's I saw back then!!! M.

Mona thompson said...

Love the wallpaper and thanks for the heads up on the restaurant. Hope to be in Atlanta soon. Loved those shutters and the food looked amazing!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sherry,
maybe there's a new calling for and art
but if not...then I am looking forward to seeing the rest of the wallpaper...
and congrats to Emily for stealing from me, I mean winning the fabric.. (because I don't have boxes of fabric everywhere already that I need these pieces too...)
have a great evening..

Abby M. Interiors said...

Decor and food--my favorites! :-) Fun fact that practically makes us sisters: My cousin had his "let's celebrate engagement" lunch at that restaurant and is having the bridesmaid luncheon there as well.

Gretchen O. said...

I dont mind the restaurant and bad art....anything about food makes me happy, and bad art, well we all need a good laugh. The eallpaper looks great, and congrats to emily!

Kellie Collis said...

The wallpaper is lovely! The color is perfect! Enjoy the beautiful day, Kellie xx

Privet and Holly said...

The vibe in that
place looks fun!
Love the cool walls,
too....and a isn't
Elvis welcome almost
xx Suzanne

Anonymous said...

Wow! I cannot wait to try that restaurant out!!! Everything looks soooo good!

Morgan @ said...

That wallpaper (and pot pie!) is amazing :).

Snippets/Sarah said...

what is it about shutters! I have always liked any type of shutter. I need to get out there and look for some to hang in my guest bedroom. Antique show coming up here in Houston! I needed to see that fattening pot pie. I've indulged in pizza for TWO nights in a row and was just asking myself if I am the only one who isn't eating salads lately! Yay for pot pie!

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