OK...before we get to the subject of the bookcase makeover I wanted to tell you a husband and wife story.

We were having a little "discussion" the other day.  He might have called it something else.  I might or might not have been giving him a small piece of my mind.....of course in his opinion a small piece is all I have.

Anyway at the peak [my voice might have gotten loud]  of the "discussion" he looks at me and says "can you zip up your fly".


"Zip your pants up".

"What the HELL does that have to do with my point?"

"I can't take you serious if your pants are unzipped".

See what I'm dealing with here people.  I don't feel validated.

Speaking of validation.....I need to make a few points.

A few people got after me about making the bookcases more decorative instead of utilitarian.
 "designed to be useful or practical rather than attractive.  "

Let's discuss.

As a designer I will take the whole room into consideration before I make decisions.  On the opposite side of the room from the bookcases are two very large  4-5 ft openings.  In my opinion with the cases filled up with books it made the room look very heavy on that side.  Plus.....there is  little wall space in the room for art.  

Another question: why did I not use all of her books?  I would say over 70% were paperbacks. 

And cause she told me I didn't have to.

And....can some bookshelves be decorative and some be "booky".  I'm no expert.....but I think so.  

BUT...the most important thing is that my client loved them and  contrary to popular belief about designers I did not wrangle her to the floor and force my point of view on her.  She trust me to give her the room she wants.

 The sitting room through one of the large openings I mentioned is going to have 2 of these chair 1/2's out of  indoor/outdoor fabric.

They were delivered yesterday.

Oh so comfy!

The family room has 2 sofa's and 2 of the swivel/rocker wing chairs. 

There is a window seat area in that same room that we are treating like this.

I need this table!!!
 I am also looking for some vintage ship prints 

To go on this wall....Thibaut wallpaper goodness.

So there you have it.  Let's all remember that design in subjective.  Just saying.

Have a happy humorous hump day.




Ashley @ The Houston House said...

Etsy has a ton of vintage ship prints. Love all the fabrics!

Vel Criste said...

Agree with you on that, as long as the books that used to be housed on the shelves are still accessible somewhere, there's no need to display some 'unsightly' paperbacks. No complaints on my end dear. ;-) This home is gonna be perfect!

Simply LKJ said...

Agreed. I keep our bookshelves in our family room mostly decorative as well (3 books only) because so much else is going on (fireplace, tv, large windows). There is only one true wall for art as well. Now my bookshelves in the living room/library...mostly books with a few accessories. I love using baskets to put "nicer" paperbacks in. You client obviously likes it...she still answers the door when you ring the bell! LOL

Kerry Steele- Design du Monde said...

Did you start laughing when he told you he couldn't take you seriously with your pants unzipped? I would of cracked up and then thrown something but missed.

I love the table in front of the window seat. I saw something like it my CL yesterday but I have no place to put it. :(

Naz said...

For me I prefer more books but never ever paperback books. I guess I remember when they use to cost a dollar and so cheap looking.

Being married a long time there are always "discussions". Sometimes it's over his driving and sometimes it's over his lack of asking for directions. Men.

Deserae said...

Wow,I guess he was really checking you out if he couldn't concentrate with your zipper down?!?! LOL!!! The bookcases are so gorgeous....LOVE!!! I can't wait to see the room finished, the fabrics you have chosen are so beautiful :o)

Unknown said...

blow it up!!! I got all kinds of questions about some of those fabrics you are using...the toile. So nice to see old school toile! And the schumacher graphic...was that the same one mary mcdonald used in the lastest spread of house beautiful on a bolster in dark charcoal in gray..did you see it? It was AWESOME. You're so good! xoxo

Elizabeth @ The Little Black Door said...

You can mix together a good fabric story better than anyone I know girlfriend! You could do whatever you like at my house - with or without your pants zipped. :)

Pura Vida said...


Junell said...

Somebody needs to go back to work.... Love what you did with the book cases; everybody is a critic.... If she had wanted them to stay book cases she wouldn't have hired you...

Brandi said...

I think Junell said it best! Do your thang girl!!!

Unknown said...

I adore all the colors and fabrics you chose. I agree that esty is the place to shop for art. Just blogged about Nantucket style. Love it!


Kathysue said...

I know how you work and you always, always consider the clients wants and needs and adjust accordingly to what will give them the room you know they want. You have the vision to pull it all together, why would they hire YOU if they could do it themselves. Not sure who spoke out about the bookcases, but they obviously don't know how you work and what kind of designer you are. You are the only one I can think of off the top of my head that I would trust in my home and I have worked in the design world for over 30 years. Just say'n!!

Woodside Park said...

Those built-ins look awesome! That's why your client had you style them - because you are super talented!! And I always love your fabric selections and combinations. You have the best eye!
x Loi

Anonymous said...

Love your posts! Your humor cracks me up!

Liana said...

Loooved the built in cabinetry styling ! Lets' just called them "built ins", so the book lovers won't be offended..
It doesn't matter how good or bad we do things,
when we are under the public eye, one third of people would love and support what we do, another one third would be indifferent about us and the last third... well, those would be the people who would leave those types of negative comments.... Don't take it personal, we just can't please everyone right ?
Your client is happy, that's what it counts.
And btw, I'm within the one third group who LOVE your work :)

Dwellings by DeVore said...

I think they look great and if she loves them that's all that matters right? :)

Karen at Home Sweet Hollywood said...

Lol, zip up your damn pants, bookcase whisperer.

People are so weird to criticize a design. Obvs the client was happy and you are a talent. End of story. :)

Barbara Bussey {The Treasured Home} said...

You always make me smile, oh Talented One!

StagerLinda said...

Oh so happy to hear someone else grouse! Thanks for entertaining me (always). Poop on the critics. You always it right. Your fabrics are da bomb!

Unknown said...

Agreed, it's up to us the designer to give them something they wouldn't do themselves, and to get them to stretch their imagination and comfort zone. Hey there's no sayin they'll mess it all up later, but that's ok! For the reveal or for pictures, I like it just the way you did it!
xo Nancy

Anonymous said...

I've got tons of vintage ship paintings in my stash. Come by when I get back to see if they'll work. :)

Taylor Greenwalt said...

Most bookcases need many books just look messy....I love what you did...I pinned them for reference..They looked beautiful!

Cindy said...

Love love love the soft fabric colors and combinations. I can't wait to see it all done!


Matters of Style said...

Hahaa the unzipped pants. Hilarious. My husband still has all his high school Penguin Classics paperbacks (complete with margin notes, really...) in a box in the attic. He refuses to get rid of them. In case we need to know the themes of Homer's Iliad.

Shirley@Housepitality Designs said...

Love that beautiful window seat area!..

Khammany said...

I love the fabric colors you picked. And I agree, book cases should have some books but they should look pretty!

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