What a week!!!  My clients were on vacation, and I decided to do their den/kitchen install.  It is SO much easier when I have that much time to really finish a room....and perfect the accessories.  We all know that is the hard part :)

Before we go any further...the winner of the giveaway has been a friend...and long time follower.  Kathysue always leaves the nicest comments and her blog is full of great ideas...pictures and well thought out post.  You need to run on over to  Good Life of Design  and tell her she won!!!

You get one sneak peek of the install....

Now on to the rest of Scott's.

Can I tell you how hard it is to find small tables sometimes????  These were awesome!

Here is the info....

One more....

I always have to include the wonderful headboards from Burlap Street.  They are located here in Atlanta.  You know you want that chevron one.

Come on...order up.

Sometimes I like to take pictures of vignettes.  Styling is always the hardest part of design...so this helps me think about composition.

These were sold....but...

These weren't!  I stood there forever....picturing them recovered in a really cool fabric....touching...sitting...while she kept lowering the price.  I wanted SO damn bad.....but I walked.  I know.....see how strong I can be.

Yeah....this was quite a "room starter"....
As was this one....

Let's talk about collections....

Things always look better in groups...

One is sad...8 is really good....

It is just a fact.

A new line of chalk paint.....

Picture down the leading edge of some curtains....

So many choices here...

Some great textiles...Carter Seibels Singh....510 759 5856.  She has an Etsy shop  .  Go check it out!!!

Frame them....

Got a little DIY to show you that is done with some books.  Yep.....you are gonna like it!

I have a really busy week coming up!!!  Rhoda at Southern Hospitality asked me to speak at Haven next week!  It's a 2 day conference and I am going to be "chewing the fat" about fabrics and PILLOWS.....duh... I can talk nonstop about those little gems? I mean...give me a real challenge right?

I am honored that they included me.....but I started thinking "what can I do to really make them like me".....you know...kinda like a bribe?  Give away some pillows!  [Ha...I am like a politician!]  So if you are coming to hear what I have to say [along with Erika and Darlene] you might just go home with something....

I am pretty darn excited that I will be meeting so many people.  Gotta get my hair done and shave my legs.......first impressions and all that......

Happy Fathers Day....



Patty Day @Pattys Epiphanies said...

CONGRATULATIONS Kathysue. I will check out Good Life of Design ASAP. Great pictures of Scotts. I saw those headboards....fabulous pieces in person. Like the shot of your project, can't wait to see the rest.

Carla Aston said...

Wow, I love those book covers. Especially the zebra. The best installations are the ones with clients not there. Same with photo shoots. You can experiment around and devote your full attention to what you're doing AND take your time. If only they could all be that way!

Some great things at Scotts!

Kelly said...

So many great finds at Scott's as always. I always look forward to your Scott's posts! Congrats on your invitation to speak at Haven too! Too bad I won't be in the audience listening to you. It would be such a treat. Maybe you can share some pics on your blog of your big day for those of us who aren't attending.

aimee {sixteen fourteen} said...

DYING over the small tables {I agree, impossible to find!} I also love the second "room-starter" rug and the chevron headboard.

Acquired Objects said...

Love that Chevron headboard above. I just got the husband thinking he loved a gray and white Chevron rug when he picked the black and white...men, go figure. Have a lot of fun with your talk this week.


Mary Ann Pickett said...

Now I am REALLY sad that I won't be at Haven.

A Perfect Gray said...

yep. we missed you. awesome speaking gig you got there, too.

Elizabeth @ The Little Black Door said...

You always find the best things!! Loving that trim! Good luck at Haven, wish I was there to hear you.

Jessie said...

Congratulations to Kathysue! You are right, her posts are always very well thought out. Have been following her blog for a while as well.

Always love your finds at Scott! Those gold tone side tables and headboards are beautiful!

You are always a teaser. Can't wait to see the project fully installed!

Have a great rest of the weekend, Sherri!


michele said...

congrats to kathysue!!!


Holly Gruszka said...

I'm really bummed to be missing Haven and I can't wait to hear about your presentation panel. This post is proof that Scott's has so many resources all in one spot - it's amazing. The tables, the textiles, the headboards - oh my is all I have to say.

Naz said...

I as well as so many others missed you terribly.

Congrats to Kathy, a very lucky winner indeed.

Abby M. Interiors said...

I am saving that source for small tables! They are beautiful and so chic.

I have missed you! I wish you could come do an install at my house. I would learn so much AND my house would look amazing. :-)

Congrats on Haven! You'll blow 'em away.

Anonymous said...

People that have there own blogs shouldnt be able to enter giveaways. They get enough free stuff!

Debbie said...

I can't wait to hear how to do the bookcovers! I enjoy your posts a lot. Please come and do my house!!

Anonymous said...

Run! Run back, Sherry and get the blue chairs! Love the post!

Whitney @ Drab to Fab Design said...

Scotts has the best stuff! I really wish I lived closer to Atl. Congrats on speaking at Haven! That's exciting!! Several of my bloggy friends are going :)

Victoria said...

Kathysue is the dearest; I am happy she won. I love the covered books at Scott's. No info on them? Have fun at Haven. I know people will enjoy your talk, even without the bribe.

debra @ 5th and state said...

hi, i just discovered your blog and love it. this chicago gal and scotts addict is getting her fix via you, thanks!
want to come back and noticed your 'subscribe' button is not working

Jessica said...

Gorgeous finds I'm so jealous of everyone going to Scott's lately! And I can't wait to see this book DIY!

The Aestate

designchic said...

So many great items at Scott's - love the small tables. Hoping you'll give us a peek at the room you finished!! Happy Monday ~

Anonymous said...

I saw those same gold side tables and loved them! A little pricy for me - the vendor said she sold them at retail price not wholesale so i walked away too. I loved them though!

How2home said...

That's exciting, can't wait to see the DIY tutorial for the books :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the shout-out on the ribbons and fabrics! I like your visions for them! Please do come back and see us next month; we've got more new goods coming every day! Thanks again!

Woodside Park said...

Big congrats to Kathysue! I've never been to Scott's....gotta go. Definitely! Everyone keeps telling me about it. Thanks for sharing your install!!

Gail Storti said...

I do love all of your posts, but the ones on Scott's make me "green with envy"!! I can't believe all the fabulous stuff that I would die for....but I'm in Los Angeles and Scott's is clear across the country! It is my dream to someday, jump on a plane and find myself in the midst all the wonderful things that Scott's has to offer. You are SO lucky to have that close by! Keep those posts coming!

The Tablescaper said...

Such an eat post. So much eye candy! Inspiration at every turn.

- The Tablescaper

Unknown said...

I can not be blamed for anyone that may be injured if they get in my way while I'm trying to get to your session at Haven. ;) I can't wait! I'll try to look normal - but I'll probably look like a crazy person - just warning you.

René said...

Love, love, love your trips to Scotts. Those headboards are a great resource - thanks!

Burlap Street said...

Haven Conference couldn't have picked a better person to talk about fabric and pillows, right!!

decoguy said...

Thanks again Sherika for posting another fine blogpost =) I cant wait to see the finished room. Is it difficult to find items that meet your clients needs? I feel like though interior designing can have a wide range of options and decals, that is what makes it challenging

Things That Inspire said...

I go to Scott's a few times a year, and never see the kind of stuff you see - it takes a true eye!

Mike said...

Congrats to Kathysue. The picture of the different headboards reminds me how important a good headboard is for the look for a bedroom. A nice bed makes all the difference to a bedroom. I also love those golden chairs. If I was there I would of brought them.

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