A little giveaway....just for fun!

Hola amigos!  I have been trying to do a post since Friday and every time I would sit down to do it I would start reading emails and then visiting a couple of blogs and BAM.....my window of time was used up and no post!  I know I am not alone in this situation :)
I worked feverishly on getting mi casa put back together this week.  My brother and his family [3 kids] are coming up from Hilton Head today to send my niece on a mission trip to Africa.  So I was a little under the gun to get it done.  I have to tell you it took me all week and there were times when I was just so overwhelmed with it all.  Trying to figure out what was staying and what was going to the basement exhausted my mind.  As I was storing things, I was disgusted with myself a few times....stop the madness.  Until I sell some things on craigslist, NO MORE SHOPPING.  Period.  I mean it.  Please help me.

So I decided to give a few things away.  Why not, I have a surplus it seems.  AND...since I have a crazy amount of fabrics it just seems fitting that I share.

Here we go.

Lets break it down.....
This is a beautiful old Schumacher pattern.  2 yards.  I am sure it is discontinued.
Here is a black and white ticking and a Robert Allen fabric we are all familiar with called "Cat's in the cradle".  When there is a lot of bold color in a fabric, I like to add some black and white to calm it down instead of say the red in the fabric.  One yard each.
This cute little white vase.
A little vintage brass container.
2 chinese calligraphy brushes.
AND....these 4 prints!
So there you have it!  Intrigued?  Well...here are a few ideas for you.  I love these colors for a sunroom.
So paint the walls white......
I can see the floral pillows on this grouping.

Or a black and white ticking sofa on these floors with the floral for the pillows and the green down the leading edge of  some white curtains.

This is Kim's sunroom from Savvy Southern Style.  I love the colors....of red and yellow and green.  Very similar to the fabrics in the giveaway.  I love Kim's home...it is a true example of "Southern Style". Very warm and welcoming.  And that girl is ALWAYS painting something!

There you have it.  Ideas.  Don't say I didn't help you out :)

Hokay...if you want this stuff.....the rule is to follow my blog.....  and then take a bag of your stuff to the Goodwill.  Cause you have to get rid of something before you can have new.  That's the rule now.

Pictures next week of some finished projects around my place.  Yes you read that right...I finished something. Whoop de do.

Oh yeah...one more thing.  I have gotten a little behind in responding to my comments.  Um, a lot behind.  Sorry about that.  I love that you take the time to do it.  Seriously all of you are insanely cool!


Karen at Home Sweet Hollywood said...

Hey Sherry! Beautiful stuff in your giveaway...so generous of you...gorgeous fabrics! Really looking forward to seeing your house with your new floors...I think I'm a little too excited about it because I've been checking your blog every day for new pictures. Have a great day with your family! Karen

The enchanted home said...

Awesome giveaway!!!!!! Such great inspiraiton above..so fresh, love those painted floors, just beautiful!! I know all about getting side tracked, story of my life:) Plus its summer...so we are all excused!!

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

Well, how surprised am I that you shared my sun room. How sweet of you. Please don't put my name in the hat because I sure don't need anymore stuff and I won your last one. Give someone else a chance. I used to have a brass box just like that and it probably went to Good Will or is lost in my bonus room mess!

Anonymous said...

lovely give-away Sherry,..love all the fabrics..cause I just love fabrics.. :)
and I will be taking stuff to the thrift shortly too...I'm going through some of my stuff in storage this weekend as well...I, too, need to cut down on all the "junque" that I possess..that actually possesses me...
can't wait to see the pics of your place now that it's put back together!!!

Erika Machamer said...

What an adorable giveaway! This would make my screened porch sing!! We've been adding a cottage garden to our little Tudor house and this would be perfect.

Win or lose - the inspiration has brightened my day!

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

What a great giveaway, I love the fabrics and the little box. How neat to give some pics for inspiration also. I really would not like to have my name in the giveaway either, I am trying to eleminate so much myself. Yes, I have already taken a boat load to GW, I just need to take more. Hugs, Marty

Heidi @ Decor & More said...

Great giveaway, Sherry! i've been purging these past couple of weeks myself ~ where does all this stuff come from??? :) Glad I'm not in it alone!
Love the fabrics and that little vase would be perfect in my home office!
Heidi @ Show Some Decor

Carolyn@Sweet Chaos Home said...

What a great idea for a giveaway! Perhaps we should start a "blog swap," and we could all trade our stuff. Of course I doubt anyone would want my old junk, but your things are very pretty :)

Kelly@TearingUpHouses said...

nice! love the fabrics.

Sarah Bragg said...

What a great giveaway!

Lynda @ Happenstance Home said...

Love your giveaway. That painted floor photo is also so cheerful! It must have been hard work getting your house back together, but you must just love it now! Hope your having a great weekend!

Sarah said...

I would love to own all of those things! And have a bunch of stuff to bring to Good Will!

Jessie said...

Lovely giveaway, Sherry. I really love all the fabrics and the vintage brass container. Looking forward to see your finished projects.

Have a wonderful Sunday.


a' la mode said...

Me likey it all!!! Thank you for doing the giveaway and for the daily dose of inspiration! xoxo shelli

Kristie said...

LOVE! Keeping my fingers crossed for your lovely goodies ~ Have a wonderful Sunday!

Lee said...

I am a follower. Thanks for the lovely giveaway!

Cassie Bustamante said...

i just hauled a carload of stuff to goodwill last weekend- does that count?
oh, and then after that i cleared out more stuff for amvets! and i am sure we will have more for goodwill, soon as i am trying to get my house ready to sell.
and you know i am a follower! happily!

Erica said...

Love this sherry! This would be perfect inspiration for my sun porch!

Tessa said...

This is a beautiful giveaway! Thank you!! I took 3 carloads to goodwill so I'm all ready for something new and pretty!! I already follow!! Tessa

The Life of the Chous said...

This is not a little giveaway! This is a huge one! I love the fabric and the prints! I can't wait to see how the renovations are going at your place!

Karena said...


I love all of your Giveaway package how wonderful!!

My youngest Grandaughter and I JUST worked on my closet and took bags to Goodwill, however guess what, there is more to go!

Art by Karena

Come and enter my fashionable Giveaway!!

Kate said...

Oh, I would love, love, love to win! Those calligraphy brushes are gorgeous.

NancyO. said...

Love the idea of giving to Goodwill in order to participate. I've been doing some closet cleaning so I'll take things in tomorrow. I tried to "Follow" and could not so I subscribed instead. Hope that counts.

BTW the give-away items are wonderful.

Thanks for the opportunity.

Katie said...

Fun giveaway! Just a couple days ago I cleaned out my sewing closet and started another goodwill pile with an old sewing basket. It's horribly old and cheap and ugly does not begin to describe it. I considered just throwing it away but...

Mary said...

GoodWill is my favorite place to donate. But recentley a Habitat for Humanity Restore opened near us. Since we just started re-doing our guest bathroom, I forsee some things going there as well.
Love your brass container. Can I trade you an old faucet for it??

Bri@Meyouandawiener said...

That's my rule too when I'm buying more crap. It keeps me from becoming a hoarder!

Simple Daisy said...

Wow! what a wonderful give-away!! I just stumbled onto your blog...and I think it's just lovely!! I am so happy I ended up here:)

Shera said...

love your rule...i win, and the bag in my garage gets taken. ; )

Vanessa@decor happy said...

Would love to win! I'm in the process of purging!

L.Duncan@Home23DuncanBoys said...

I love this giveaway so much that I'm almost scared to enter because of the thought of not winning!

This is so nice of you, Sherry! Fingers crossed:)

Thanks for following me on my other blog! It's nice to know you're there!

pve design said...

All I have been doing is tossing out, passing on, packing up as we renovate and it feels so good. I love making new friends with new fabrics and new brushes....nice giveaway. Promise to pass along a bag of items today!
(I follow)

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

I happen to have a big bag and a couple of bins of things for Good Will in the back of my car. I follow; found you via Kim.

Donna D said...

What a wonderful giveaway!


Lisa Gabrielson said...

I took two CARLOADS to the Goodwill last week...does that count? Feels good to purge every now and then. Love those brushes!

Carolyn said...

Hi Sherry, I am trying SO hard to establish and embrace a minimalistic(yet stylish)lifestyle, but my heart absolutely SINGS for that little white vase.(It could take the place of the four white pitchers that I donated to our local thrift store yesterday;not to mention the huge bag of clothes!
I love your blog Sherry...good luck with putting your home back together!

Melissa I. said...

I love your rule! I started following you via Charm Home's blog recently.

Thank you for the opportunity to win this beautiful loot!

Joyce said...

Wonderful treasures to give away. I enjoy my visits here always learn a thing or two. xo

Robyn @ Imperfect Nest said...

I was doing just the same thing this weekend. Still have more to do! Thanks for sharing your stash.

amy Vermillion @ Martineau Vermillion Interior Design said...

I;m looking forward to those pictures!

The Vintique Object said...

Oooo, I would love to win every little thing and do promise to take a bag to Goodwill should it be me. The black and white ticking is my fave!

Bring Pretty Back said...

PLEASE enter me in this GREAT giveaway! So generous!
Have a PRETTY day!

Interior Design Musings said...

Count me in on the give-a-way! Also, I sent some blog love your way today, regarding your painted white hardwoods! M.

Lou Cinda @ Tattered Hydrangeas said...

Great give away Sherry! LOVE! I am already a follower as you well know....I will be unveiling a bathroom in my home, sometime in the next decade, wherein the give away I won from you will be in that bathroom! It was the "inspiration"! Can't wait to see your transformed house! I love Kim's house too! One of my very favorites!

Have a great day!

Lou Cinda

Unknown said...

I need that brass container! Ok maybe I just want it - really bad :) Love Kim's sunroom! Those colors together are so warm and welcoming.

Andrea said...

Fun giveaway! I'm already a follower and recently purged and gave a load of things to charity. It was so good to purge!

Carol@6WilsonBlog.com said...

Hi Sherry. It seems impossible that I have not been to your blog! I have seen your name as I've commented on others, but time being what it is (short), I've never come over until just now. I'm an immediate follower, although not intended for your generous giveaway, simply because I need to see more of your blog. And your portfolio is beautiful! Seriously beautiful. I would love to live in any one of those rooms. :) I am so glad I came to read. I'll be back when I can stroll through some old posts. PS. My neice has been in Kenya on a mission for 2 weeks now -- I hope yours enjoys hers!

chedeb5353 said...

Would you believe the other day I was going through my fabric and found a yard of that Schumacher fabric that I had forgotten about and I wished I had more for a few throw pillows!! I have two bags ready for Salvation Army. Deb chedeb5353@hotmail.com

Ceri said...

I love the linear filing cabinet! I think I noticed one similar in Elizabeth Demos' home. Super fab! You always come across the best finds!

Sandy A said...

Love everythng in this give away! I am a follower and we cleaned closets and are making a trip to GW tomorrow...

Loretta Fontaine (EcoHappy Blog) said...

Sherry- I just gave away a bookcase to Habitat For Humanity Restore, so I'm even if I win! Ha ha!

Seriously,love the Robert Allen fabric!


p.s.I have a giveawayon my blog, too! For your pet - portable water bowls my brother-in-law invented. It's the least popular giveaway I ever had as I have three to give away and five entries. Let's just say odds are good...

Ashley said...

New to your blog, will definitely add it to my top blogs to check out daily (: Love the fabrics, so presh! I've been trying to find throw pillows for my couch for about 7-8 months, and would love to make some out of that fabric. Got a bag of stuff ready to head to Goodwill/Salvation Army back at my apartment.

Cheryll said...

Love every single thing on your giveaway, but especially loving the brass container and the brushes! I am new to your blog, and will be added to my daily reads!

Gretchen O. said...

You are SO generous! Love the inspiration pics too. Keeping my fingers crossed:)

michele said...

i have never won a giveaway! throw my name in the hat, sherry. following.


Barbara Matson said...

Perfect - I follow and just last week I gave away TWO bags to the goodwill {except I don't have a Goodwill but Value Village instead - does that count?}

Katie C. said...

Great giveaway! This is what I need...someone to put it all together for me. Thanks.

Unknown said...

What a very COOL giveaway! I have your blog on my blog roll and checked it all the time. Now I follow as well. ;)

Oh and I am having a garage sale in a couple weeks and will be donating what doesn't get sold to Goodwill.


Privet and Holly said...

Didn't have time
to comment the first
time I read this...
SO, I'm back to say
I'd follow you
xx Suzanne

Holly Gruszka said...

This little goodie bag giveaway is so tempting...I'll have to sign up for the next one. All of those items I could have used in my home :)

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